Thank you, I will try to implement this when I have time. I now
understand where my confusion was stemming from. I was under the
impression that each time the CupView Activity was resumed, a new
CupView object was created thus creating a new CupThread. However I
now see that is not the case, the CupView object is not destroyed and
recreated, thus no new thread to call start() on.

On Apr 1, 11:34 am, Streets Of Boston <> wrote:
> Do *not* use volatile variables. They are not guaranteed to be atomic.
> It's just a compiler hint.
> Instead, use synchronized blocks:
> class MyThread extends Thread {
>   boolean mPaused;
>   boolean mStopped;
>   public void run() {
>     ...
>     ...
>     mStopped = false;
>     mPaused = true or false, depends on your application.
>     while (!mStopped) {
>       if (waitForResume())
>         break;
>       // do your thing.
>       ...
>     }
>   }
>   public void stopThread() {
>     syncrhonized(this) {
>       mPaused = false;
>       mStopped = true;
>       this.notify();
>     }
>     // optionally, code an extra 'join()' statement if the caller
> needs
>     // to wait until the thread has completely finished.
>   }
>   public void pauseThread() {
>     syncrhonized(this) {
>       mPaused = true;
>       this.notify();
>     }
>   }
>   public void resumeThread() {
>     syncrhonized(this) {
>       mPaused = false;
>       this.notify();
>     }
>   }
>   private boolean waitForResume() {
>     synchronized(this) {
>       if (mStopped)
>         return false;
>       while (mPaused) {
>         this.wait();
>       }
>       if (mStopped)
>         return false;
>     }
>   }
>   ...
>   ...
> }
> Then code that needs to control your thread, just call
> myThread.pauseThread() or myThread.resumeThread() and stops the thread
> entirely by calling myThread.stopThread();
> Note: you could replace 'this' with another object to use for
> synchronization.
> On Apr 1, 10:06 am, Tom <> wrote:
> > Try this:
> > Create a set of volatile variables (toPause, isPaused, toStop,
> > isStopped).
> > Outside the thread, in the methods mentioned previously, set or clear
> > the appropriate variables.
> > Inside the thread, be checking the appropriate variables to determine
> > if the thread needs to be paused or stopped.
> > Put the use of the variable within synchronized blocks.
> > Use wait and notify to avoid busy polling.
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