Yeah it's kinda boring to use that method :(. I developped my widgets
in order to create them easily in an XML layout. Using the way you
gave me (which, I think, is not that bad when you're just using
images), the user won't be able to create it through an XML layout.
Moreover, my classes use the attrs.xml file to retrieve XML

As you said Mark, I'm, like you, also looking for another way around

On Apr 2, 6:02 pm, "Mark Murphy" <> wrote:
> > Looking at the Android source code, I noticed that android.jar
> > contains its own ressources so I assume this is possible.
> Yeah, but that's special.
> There is no way for JARs written to support SDK-level applications to
> embed resources that I have found.
> Instead, you need to package your resources separately (e.g., a ZIP file)
> and distribute them for reusers of your JAR to unpack in their APK
> project's res/ tree (or to replace with their own editions of the
> resources, as they see fit). Then, adjust your API to accept resource IDs
> as parameters (like you see for many of the APIs), so your code no longer
> has or R.drawable references itself -- those refererences would be in
> the calling application, who has the resources and the corresponding
> file.
> If there's another way around this, I'm certainly interested to hear about
> it...
> --
> Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
> _The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_ Version 2.0 Available!
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