This might be a difference between how TextView and EditText behave.
If you're trying to let them edit text, use an EditText.  :)


On Apr 8, 11:42 pm, Asif k <> wrote:
> Hi all,
>     In the android reference site, it is written in the
> serCursorVisible section that cursor is visible by default and you can
> give its value as either "true or "false" to change the its visibility
> on the GUI screen.
>    But in my case , cursor is remaining invisible irrespective of
> setting the visibility "true" or "false" using android:cursorVisible =
> "true"  in the layout/main.xml.
>    Should I do something more to make cursor visible on the GUI screen
> or its a bug in android???
> Please respond...
> regardz,
> Asif
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