You can't currently replace the in-call experience.

On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 6:58 AM, Marc Poppleton <>wrote:

> Hi,
> Where is the PHONE_STATE_CHANGED Intent defined? I can't find it
> anywhere in the documentation and am in a situation similar to Bnet's.
> I'm trying to get my Activity to pop-up when an incoming call occurs,
> I don't like the default view and want my own instead (I wish to
> display extra data about the callee than currently displayed).
> Thanks,
> Marc
> On 3 mar, 20:25, Marco Nelissen <> wrote:
> > On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 9:09 AM, Bnet <> wrote:
> >
> > > I'm trying to call the from the
> > >PhoneStateListenerto test a default system notification sound. When a
> > > missed call state is true, the is called to
> > > play the sound or beep. I understand your point about the receiver
> > > dropping thephonestatelistenerand appreciate the feedback. Thanks
> > > again.
> >
> > OK, so it sounds like *what* you want to do (your MyPhoneStateListener
> > and SoundNotification classes are part of *how* you want to do it) is
> > to play a sound when a call is missed.
> > So first you need to figure out if a call is missed. There are a
> > number of ways to do that. You were trying to do this by using
> aPhoneStateListener, which is fine, but I don't think you actually need
> > it. You already have a receiver for the PHONE_STATE_CHANGED Intent
> > broadcast, and that Intent already contains an 'extra' that tells you
> > the current state, so you shouldn't need to set up aPhoneStateListener.
> > Then, since you're determining whether a call was missed by
> > idle-ringing-idle transitions, you'll need some place to store the
> > intermediate states, so that when the call state goes to idle again,
> > you can check whether the previous state was offhook, and if not, play
> > the sound.
> > You could use a Service to keep track of the intermediate states, but
> > a simpler solution might be to store/retrieve the previous state using
> > a SharedPreference. However you want to do it is up to you, but you
> > shouldn't rely on the broadcast receiver itself keeping any state for
> > you. Once you've determined that a call was missed, you play the
> > sound, probably using MediaPlayer.
> >

Dianne Hackborn
Android framework engineer

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