Did you set the project up for level see or Google Apps which include 
the Maps library and 1.5?  Just 1.5 won't do for MapActivity as I found 
out when I recompiled my program but setting it to Google Apps (the 
third setting) fixed it.

wayne mcfadden- Red Droid wrote:
> Sorry guys, originally i posted to discussion which is the wrong
> place.....
> I'm migrating over an application from 1.1 to 1.5 and it uses the
> Google maps. I got through most of the class path issues resolved I
> think but when launching the application I get the following message.
> 04-18 13:19:11.598: WARN/dalvikvm(816): Class resolved by unexpected
> DEX: Lnet/company/android/OrgMapActivity;(0x43732af0):0x192310 ref
> [Lcom/google/android/maps/MapActivity;] Lcom/google/android/maps/
> MapActivity;(0x43732af0):0x188228
> 04-18 13:19:11.598: WARN/dalvikvm(816): Unable to resolve superclass
> of Lnet/company/android/OrgMapActivity; (106)
> 04-18 13:19:11.608: WARN/dalvikvm(816): Link of class 'Lnet/company/
> android/OrgMapActivity;' failed
> So it looks like the error is Unable to resolve superclass  which I
> think is caused by not having
> <uses-library android:name="com.google.android.maps" />
> in the androidmanifest.
> In my case, this line is in there. Is there a new uses-library for
> 1.5? Docs say that it's ok. Or specific classpath settings since the
> maps.jar has been moved out? I'm not getting compilation errors, just
> runtime.
> I tried moving the maps.jar into the assets directory and that did not
> work either.
> Some other trace is below.
> Thanks in advance!
> Wayne McFadden
> 04-18 13:43:59.710: WARN/dalvikvm(776): threadid=3: thread exiting
> with uncaught exception (group=0x4000fe70)
> 04-18 13:43:59.710: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(776): Uncaught handler:
> thread main exiting due to uncaught exception
> 04-18 13:43:59.979: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(776):
> java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
> 04-18 13:43:59.979: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(776):     at
> java.lang.Class.newInstanceImpl(Native Method)
> 04-18 13:43:59.979: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(776):     at
> java.lang.Class.newInstance(Class.java:1472)
> 04-18 13:43:59.979: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(776):     at
> android.app.Instrumentation.newActivity(Instrumentation.java:1097)
> 04-18 13:43:59.979: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(776):     at
> android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:
> 2186)
> 04-18 13:43:59.979: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(776):     at
> android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:
> 2284)
> 04-18 13:43:59.979: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(776):     at
> android.app.ActivityThread.access$1800(ActivityThread.java:112)
> 04-18 13:43:59.979: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(776):     at
> android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1692)
> 04-18 13:43:59.979: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(776):     at
> android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
> 04-18 13:43:59.979: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(776):     at
> android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:123)
> 04-18 13:43:59.979: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(776):     at
> android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:3948)
> 04-18 13:43:59.979: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(776):     at
> java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
> 04-18 13:43:59.979: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(776):     at
> java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:521)
> 04-18 13:43:59.979: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(776):     at
> com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run
> (ZygoteInit.java:782)
> 04-18 13:43:59.979: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(776):     at
> com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:540)
> 04-18 13:43:59.979: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(776):     at
> dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
> 04-18 13:43:59.979: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(776): Caused by:
> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net.company.android.OrgMapActivity
> 04-18 13:43:59.979: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(776):     at
> net.company.android.MainActivity.<clinit>(MainActivity.java:23)
> 04-18 13:43:59.979: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(776):     ... 15 more
> 04-18 13:43:59.979: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(776): Caused by:
> java.lang.IllegalAccessError: cross-loader access from pre-verified
> class
> 04-18 13:43:59.979: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(776):     at
> dalvik.system.DexFile.defineClass(Native Method)
> 04-18 13:43:59.979: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(776):     at
> dalvik.system.DexFile.loadClass(DexFile.java:193)
> 04-18 13:43:59.979: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(776):     at
> dalvik.system.PathClassLoader.findClass(PathClassLoader.java:203)
> 04-18 13:43:59.979: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(776):     at
> java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:573)
> 04-18 13:43:59.979: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(776):     at
> java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:532)
> 04-18 13:43:59.979: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(776):     ... 16 more
> >

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