Emulator can not sync with Google Server. You should test the sync
with a real device that had activated with google ID.

On Feb 26, 1:52 pm, Steven Farley <srfar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have the same problem, running the emulator on Mac OS X.  Any
> suggesstions would be appreciated.
> On Feb 21, 3:24 am, Tim Bao <tim....@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi, all,
> > I am sorry to bring this into such a board audience but seems nobody
> > has posted similar problem or solution on the internet.
> > I am trying to use Calendar.apk in the emulator on a windows xp
> > system. The SDK version I am using is 1.1r1. However, the calendar app
> > will always go away with a message "Your events will appear shortly".
> > My guess is that the app is bound with Google account so I go to
> > "Setup"->"DataSynchronization". Once I click the "Data
> >Synchronization", I got a failure reading "The application Google Apps
> > (process com.google.process.gapps) has stopped unexpectedly. Please
> > try again". By check logcat output, I got the following(see the msg at
> > the end). Anybody can help me out how to install the App/Service or
> > configure the service or activate the signin service so that I can use
> > Calendar on emulator? Your help is highly appreciated.
> > I/ActivityManager(   52): Starting activity: Intent
> > { action=android.intent.acti
> > on.MAIN comp={com.android.settings/
> > com.android.settings.SyncSettings} }
> > W/GoogleLoginService(  181): Device has no accounts: sending Intent
> > { action=and
> > roid.accounts.LOGIN_ACCOUNTS_MISSING }
> > I/GoogleLoginService.PasswordEncrypter(  181): no public key available
> > I/ActivityManager(   52): Stopping service:
> > com.google.android.googleapps/.Googl
> > eLoginService
> > I/ActivityManager(   52): Displayed activity
> > com.android.settings/.SyncSettings:
> >  883 ms
> > I/ActivityManager(   52): Starting activity: Intent { comp=
> > {com.google.android.g
> > oogleapps/com.google.android.googleapps.RunSetupWizardActivity} (has
> > extras) }
> > I/ActivityManager(   52): Start proc com.google.process.app for
> > activity com.goo
> > gle.android.googleapps/.RunSetupWizardActivity: pid=449 uid=10016 gids=
> > {3003}
> > I/ActivityManager(   52): Starting activity: Intent { comp=
> > {com.android.setupwiz
> > ard/com.android.setupwizard.AccountIntroActivity} (has extras) }
> > D/AndroidRuntime(  449): Shutting down VM
> > W/dalvikvm(  449): threadid=3: thread exiting with uncaught exception
> > (group=0x4
> > 000fe68)
> > E/AndroidRuntime(  449): Uncaught handler: thread main exiting due to
> > uncaught e
> > xception
> > E/AndroidRuntime(  449): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start
> > activity Co
> > mponentInfo{com.google.android.googleapps/
> > com.google.android.googleapps.RunSetup
> > WizardActivity}: android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: Unable to
> > find expli
> > cit activity class {com.android.setupwizard/
> > com.android.setupwizard.AccountIntro
> > Activity}; have you declared this activity in your
> > AndroidManifest.xml?
> > E/AndroidRuntime(  449):        at
> > android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActiv
> > ity(ActivityThread.java:2141)
> > E/AndroidRuntime(  449):        at
> > android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivi
> > ty(ActivityThread.java:2157)
> > E/AndroidRuntime(  449):        at android.app.ActivityThread.access
> > $1800(Activi
> > tyThread.java:112)
> > E/AndroidRuntime(  449):        at android.app.ActivityThread
> > $H.handleMessage(Ac
> > tivityThread.java:1581)
> > E/AndroidRuntime(  449):        at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage
> > (Handler.ja
> > va:88)
> > E/AndroidRuntime(  449):        at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:
> > 123)
> > E/AndroidRuntime(  449):        at android.app.ActivityThread.main
> > (ActivityThrea
> > d.java:3739)
> > E/AndroidRuntime(  449):        at
> > java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native
> > Method)
> > E/AndroidRuntime(  449):        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke
> > (Method.java:5
> > 15)
> > E/AndroidRuntime(  449):        at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit
> > $MethodAndA
> > rgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:739)
> > E/AndroidRuntime(  449):        at
> > com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(Zygot
> > eInit.java:497)
> > E/AndroidRuntime(  449):        at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main
> > (Native Method)
> > E/AndroidRuntime(  449): Caused by:
> > android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: U
> > nable to find explicit activity class {com.android.setupwizard/
> > com.android.setup
> > wizard.AccountIntroActivity}; have you declared this activity in your
> > AndroidMan
> > ifest.xml?
> > E/AndroidRuntime(  449):        at
> > android.app.Instrumentation.checkStartActivit
> > yResult(Instrumentation.java:1467)
> > E/AndroidRuntime(  449):        at
> > android.app.Instrumentation.execStartActivity
> > (Instrumentation.java:1441)
> > E/AndroidRuntime(  449):        at
> > android.app.Activity.startActivityForResult(A
> > ctivity.java:2526)
> > E/AndroidRuntime(  449):        at
> > com.google.android.googleapps.RunSetupWizardA
> > ctivity.onCreate(RunSetupWizardActivity.java:50)
> > E/AndroidRuntime(  449):        at
> > android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCre
> > ate(Instrumentation.java:1122)
> > E/AndroidRuntime(  449):        at
> > android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActiv
> > ity(ActivityThread.java:2104)
> > E/AndroidRuntime(  449):        ... 11 more
> > I/Process (   52): Sending signal. PID: 449 SIG: 3
> > I/dalvikvm(  449): threadid=7: reacting to signal 3
> > I/dalvikvm(  449): Wrote stack trace to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
> > V/DumpStateReceiver(   52): Running: /system/bin/dumpcrash
> > I/DumpStateReceiver(   52): Finished: 1831 bytes read; status 0
> > I/DumpStateReceiver(   52): Added state dump to 1 crashes
> > W/ActivityManager(   52): Launch timeout has expired, giving up wake
> > lock!
> > W/ActivityManager(   52): Activity idle timeout for HistoryRecord
> > {434ef860 {com.
> > google.android.googleapps/
> > com.google.android.googleapps.RunSetupWizardActivity}}
> > D/dalvikvm(  181): GC freed 194 objects / 10064 bytes in 170ms
> > D/dalvikvm(  269): GC freed 3306 objects / 189336 bytes in 204ms
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