On Apr 22, 9:48 am, "auj...@gmail.com" <auj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am looking for any information on the Android Kill switch ?

Well, AFAIK there is no Android Kill switch. Some home cooking is in
order. Here's my recipe. The beauty here - you can spice it up as much
as you like.
As a prerequisite, you need to have a web site to anchor the "kill
switch". Below a code snippet that you can use and (must) modify (use
proper domain names). I've pulled this together from a few classes so
it might not work out of the box. DIY spirit required (;->).

<------------------------------------- snip
Context appContext = this.getApplicationContext();

// Read app version
String versionName = "";
try {
        PackageManager pM = appContext.getPackageManager();
        PackageInfo pI =  pM.getPackageInfo("com.yourdomain.yourapp", 0);
        versionName = pI.versionName;
} catch (Exception e) {
        Log.v("Exception", "Exception version check: " + e.getMessage());

// Read network state (requires network state permission in
//      <uses-permission
android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
NetworkInfo.State networkState = NetworkInfo.State.DISCONNECTED;
ConnectivityManager systemService = (ConnectivityManager)
if (systemService != null && systemService.getActiveNetworkInfo() !=
        networkState = systemService.getActiveNetworkInfo().getState();

// If network is available, reach out and see if "kill switch" page is
try {
        if (networkState == NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED) {
                URL url = new URL("http://www.yourwebsite.com/"; + versionName +
                URLConnection connection = (URLConnection)url.openConnection();
                InputStream is = connection.getInputStream();
                if (is.read() != null) {
                        // "Kill switch" triggered, open Android browser with
"kill switch" file
                        Intent myIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW,
Uri.parse("http://www.yourwebsite.com/"; + version + ".html"));
                        this.finish(); // Comment this out and this will "only" 
be a nag
} catch (Exception e) {
        Log.v("Check", "Check version authorization exception: " +

<------------------------------------- snip

The network state analysis can probably be omitted. I need the network
state for other app functionality, so I've included it in the
The "kill switch" can be tied to any condition you can determine
within your running app. I've used the app's version, so let's run
with this example.
Assuming the app version is "1.0": When you post a file 1.0.html on
http://www.yourwebsite.com/, the "kill switch" will be triggered, and
your app opens the Android browser with the content of 1.0.html before
finishing. This happens without user interaction. Posting the "kill
switch" page is not to be taken lightly. Even after you unpost it, it
remains in Android's HTTP cache for a while, and the "kill switch"
condition will be triggered regardless you unposting 1.0.html. I could
not figure that part out completely, so I assume throwing the "kill
switch" an irreversible operation.
If the "kill switch" file has not been posted, the code above will
throw an exception, and just log a "Check version authorization
exception". The user will not notice anything. I recommend you execute
this in a Thread separate from you main UI cycle in order to avoid
getting hit by any delays reaching out to yourwebsite.com.
In rare cases I found that the exception is not thrown, even though
the "kill switch" page has never been posted - I consider this a bug
in Android. I couldn't narrow this down, except for the impression
this might have to do with switching networks between 3G/Edge and
Wifi. When this happens, the browsers opens with a 404. Again, this is

Going back to the kill switch page (1.0.html). You have to be very
articulate and nice in explaining why this page pops up.
This is important, because on this page, you will steer the user to
download the properly distributed .apk file. Now you've turned the
tables on the unauthorized distribution of your app, because you've
leveraged the pirates' efforts to fill their illegit channel with
content to actually promote your app. Earlier this week, a developer
reported a mod of an .apk file that featured a translation of the
app's resources. I'd say, if that ever happens, extract that content,
and use it to localize your app. Now you've paid back double. How do
you like that.

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