Depends what you're going to save there. If it's some vital data to
the application to work (i.e. SQLite Database, Preferences, etc.) then
you have to save them in your applications directory on the phone.

If it's some downloaded files, MP3s, Videos etc. then you can save it
on the SD card. The home directory of an app is /data/data/
<yourappspackangename>/ but you should use the context instead of
absolute path names.

On Apr 24, 3:40 pm, LD <> wrote:
> Hello,
> can anybody advice what is the recommended directory to store files
> generated by your application: audio files, video files or some
> images.
> If the phone contains SD card, it is clear that files should be saved
> there, but if there is no any external storage. where would you
> recommend to save to?
> Thanks
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