At 11:23 AM -0700 4/30/09, fadden wrote:
>It's possible that it didn't actually jump back down.  The event log
>shows results from all running processes, not just your app, so you
>may be seeing output from other things mixed in.

Ah, OK. Now I see a steady increase in my limit and allocs from 1.1 
up to about 10 MB when it crashes, and I've got another 3.5 in my 
regular heap -- still less than 16, but ok, -- so this makes sense, 
and I hope this thread is useful to others --> you can "leak" and 
look fine in ddms!

But this means that the bitmaps for my startup animations, say, are 
never getting freed, as are the contents of previous screens. Now, 
none of this stuff is kept in static variables or anything (he said, 
though you can be sure he is going to check this yet again!)....

Is there a way to really really make these things get tossed? There 
ain't no recycle() on drawable (or animation I think)....just 

>(This is why the python script I posted yesterday shows the pid and 5-
>char app id on each line.)

I seem to have completely missed this post...


-- Ward

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