By the way what are these states 1, 2, 128 etc.

Can't android people name it when raising exceptions so that
developers could know better what is the cause of exception....?

I am getting full irritated because of these sound issues particularly
with the MediaPlayer and its states in android....

On May 8, 10:33 am, Sudha <> wrote:
> I have nearly 28 sound files in which most of them have the duration
> less than a second (i.e in milliseconds), to reduce the delay in
> creating the player everytime, i created a player for each sound file
> i.e 28 MediaPlayers and each sound file plays on its own player and
> all the sounds are managed by a separate single thread (FYI only that
> sound thread can call these methods no other thread can start the
> sounds explicitly), so I can confirm that all the methos calling is
> done by a single thread.
> and regarding the other code, i have posted all what am using and the
> only other thing which is not here is the constructor which converts
> the given input stream to a file as the MediaPlayer cannot play sounds
> directly with a stream.
> (I am packing all the sounds in a single pack and open it at runtime
> and give the input stream to Player as it is done in J2ME, so again am
> converting the given input stream to a file.)
> Here is the below code of Constructor.
> protected PlayerImpl(String fileName1, InputStream inputstream)
> {
>         fileName = fileName1;
>         fileInputStream = inputstream;
>         //Creates a FileOutput pointer to dump the InputStream., with
> permissions: 662 (rw- rw- -w-)
>         FileOutputStream fOut = null;
>         try{
>                 fOut = Utils.getContext().openFileOutput
> (fileName,Context.MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE);
>         }
>         catch(Exception filenotfound){
>                 if (Utils.debugEnabled)
>                         android.util.Log.d("Player ERROR","FileOutputStream 
> FAILED!");
>         }
>         //we dump the 'stream here...
>         int n;
>         try {
>                 while ((>=0)
>                 {
>                         fOut.write(FOS_BUFFER, 0, n);
>                 }
>                 //we close fOut but DO NOT CLOSE fIn !!
>                 fOut.close();
>         } catch (IOException e1) {
>                 if (Utils.debugEnabled)
>                         android.util.Log.d("Player ERROR","temp file creation 
>         }
> }
> I dont think this Constructor has anything to do with the errors I
> get, to point-out mostly i found these errors are raised when the
> device is kept idle for sometime while sounds are playing, the device
> backlight goes off and device enters the idle state....
> at this point all these exceptions are raised and with less
> reproducibility my game crashes.
> does the phone stop the sounds while it goes to standby mode?
> I have my own code to stop the sounds when an interrupt occurs, so
> does this conflict with the device method calls?
> On May 7, 7:59 pm, Marco Nelissen <> wrote:
> > Based on the code you posted, the "stop called in state 2" is because you
> > call stop() in your OnCompletionListener, which isn't necessary (it's
> > already stopped at that point).
> > I don't see how the other problems could happen with the code you posted,
> > unless you have multiple threads accidentally using the same MediaPlayer, or
> > there is some other code involved that you didn't post.
> > On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 1:36 AM, Sudha <> wrote:
> > > Hi I am using MediaPlayer to play my sounds below is my another post
> > >
> > > I tried all the possible ways stated in the above post but could not
> > > play sounds accordingly so changed the sound code as below,
> > > Now the sounds are working fine and no sound is getting skipped but am
> > > getting some errors which i cannot figure why they are coming...?
> > > Below are some errors:
> > > 1-      E/MediaPlayer( 2173): stop called in state 1
> > > 2-      E/MediaPlayer( 2173): stop called in state 2
> > > the above errors i get frequently and i get the below one's randomly,
> > > the game freezes and requires a force close when i encounter the below
> > > errors
> > > 3-      E/MediaPlayer( 2173): setDataSource called in state 2
> > >         W/System.err( 2173): java.lang.IllegalStateException
> > >         W/System.err( 2173):    at
> > > Method)
> > > 4-      E/MediaPlayer( 2173): setDataSource called in state 128
> > >         W/System.err( 2173): java.lang.IllegalStateException
> > >         W/System.err( 2173):    at
> > > Method)
> > >         W/System.err( 2173):    at
> > >
> > > 5-      E/MediaPlayer( 2173): prepareAsync called in state 128
> > >         E/MediaPlayer( 2173): setDataSource called in state 128
> > >         W/System.err( 2173): java.lang.IllegalStateException
> > >         W/System.err( 2173):    at
> > > Method)
> > > 6-      E/MediaPlayerService(   31): offset error
> > >         E/MediaPlayer( 2173): Unable to to create media player
> > > I have observed that all the sounds played atleast once in the game
> > > without any error.
> > > I want to know what are the states 1,2 & 128 and why are the errors
> > > raised.
> > > As per the
> > >
> > > I suppose there is no problem in my code but y is that error shown...?
> > > Plz check the below code:
> > > public void stop() throws MediaException {
> > >        try
> > >        {
> > >                mp.stop();
> > >                mp.reset();
> > >                FileInputStream fIn =
> > > Utils.getContext().openFileInput(fileName);
> > >                if (fIn != null)
> > >                {
> > >                        mp.setDataSource(fIn.getFD());
> > >                        fIn.close();
> > >                }
> > >        }
> > >        catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}
> > >        isPlayingSound = false;
> > > }
> > > public boolean isPlayingSound; //class member
> > > MediaPlayer mp = null;
> > > String last_req = "";
> > > public void playSound(final String res) {
> > >        if (isPlayingSound){
> > >                return;
> > >        }
> > >        try {
> > >                if (!last_req.equals(res))
> > >                {
> > >                        last_req = res;
> > >                        mp = new MediaPlayer();
> > >                        FileInputStream fIn =
> > > Utils.getContext().openFileInput(res);
> > >                        if (fIn != null)
> > >                        {
> > >                                mp.setDataSource(fIn.getFD());
> > >                                fIn.close();
> > >                        }
> > >                        mp.setOnCompletionListener(new
> > >                        MediaPlayer.OnCompletionListener() {
> > >                                public void onCompletion(MediaPlayer mp)
> > >                                {
> > >                                        try
> > >                                        {
> > >                                                mp.stop();
> > >                                                mp.reset();
> > >                                                FileInputStream fIn =
> > > Utils.getContext().openFileInput(res);
> > >                                                if (fIn != null)
> > >                                                {
> > >  mp.setDataSource(fIn.getFD());
> > >                                                        fIn.close();
> > >                                                }
> > >                                                isPlayingSound = false;
> > >                                        }
> > >                                        catch(Exception
> > > e){e.printStackTrace();}
> > >                                }
> > >                        });
> > >                        mp.setOnErrorListener(new
> > >                        MediaPlayer.OnErrorListener() {
> > >                                public boolean onError(MediaPlayer mp, int
> > > what, int extra)
> > >                                {
> > >                                        mp.release();
> > >                                        mp = null;
> > >                                        deleteSoundFile(res);
> > >                                        isPlayingSound = false;
> > >                                        last_req="";
> > >                                        System.gc();
> > >                                        new
> > > PlayerImpl(fileName,fileInputStream);
> > >                                        return false;
> > >                                }
> > >                        });
> > >                }
> > >                // mp.prepareAsync();
> > >                if (isLooping())
> > >                {
> > >                        mp.setLooping(true);
> > >                }
> > >                mp.prepare();
> > >                mp.start();
> > >                isPlayingSound = true;
> > >        }
> > >        catch (Exception e) {
> > >                mp.release();
> > >                deleteSoundFile(res);
> > >                isPlayingSound = false;
> > >                mp = null;
> > >                System.gc();
> > >                new PlayerImpl(fileName,fileInputStream);
> > >                last_req="";
> > >      
> ...
> read more »
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