I've literally spent 15+ hours trying to figure out this one bug (when
I should be studying for finals). Any help is greatly appreciated. The
bug appears on the dev1 phone running cupcake. It was not present
before the upgrade. Basically, the problem is that when a activity
with a webview and 2 threads is run, the service that runs after it
will always crashes the process (but it works fine when the debugger
is attached). The worst part is that it crashes at arbitrarily places
in the service, so I can't isolate the error.

The details:

I have an activity with a WebView. The activity executes two threads,
one after the other using the basic new Thread(new Runnable() {public
void run()...  Both threads use the same handler to report back
results to the main activity. Flow works like this: when the activity
starts, the first thread gets data to construct the URL that the
webview will load (using DefaultHTTPClient). Then when the user
navigates to a certain page, the second thread is again fired (using
DefaultHTTPClient) to get some xml. This works fine.

The problem happens right afterwards. Once the activity with the
webview finishes (it calls finish on itself), a service is started
that has a thread that using DefaultHttpClient to downloaded some xml,
process it, etc. The service crashes at arbitrary points with no error
messages, simply displaying a memory dump, and kills the main process
with it. When I attempt to debug the process, it runs just fine w/ no
crashes. I've repeated this at least 30 times, with the same result.
(no crash w/ debugger, crash when installing signed apk file to device
and running it).

The program doesn't crash when the threads are removed from the
activity with webview. So even if the webview activity runs (but all
threads are removed), the service runs just fine regardless of the

Here is how my threads start (both of the ones in the activity with
the webview, and the main thread in the service that is launched

Thread t = new Thread(
new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {

        final HttpParams params1 = new BasicHttpParams();
        HttpProtocolParams.setVersion(params1, HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1);
        HttpProtocolParams.setContentCharset(params1, "UTF-8");
        final SchemeRegistry registry = new SchemeRegistry();
        registry.register(new Scheme("http",
PlainSocketFactory.getSocketFactory(), 80));
        final ThreadSafeClientConnManager manager =
        new ThreadSafeClientConnManager(params1, registry);
         DefaultHttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient(manager, params1);


Here is what logcat displays:

05-15 05:00:03.561: INFO/DEBUG(1022): Build fingerprint: 'android-
05-15 05:00:03.571: INFO/DEBUG(1022): pid: 2540, tid: 2541  >>>
com.macrospecs.friendmobilizer <<<
05-15 05:00:03.571: INFO/DEBUG(1022): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), fault addr
05-15 05:00:03.571: INFO/DEBUG(1022):  r0 00000007  r1 00000001  r2
411989b4  r3 00000140
05-15 05:00:03.571: INFO/DEBUG(1022):  r4 411989b4  r5 000f7418  r6
00000000  r7 0016e170
05-15 05:00:03.571: INFO/DEBUG(1022):  r8 100ffd00  r9 4100aef0  10
4100aedc  fp 00000001
05-15 05:00:03.582: INFO/DEBUG(1022):  ip 00000011  sp 100ffc48  lr
ad046ca5  pc ad03ed9a  cpsr 00000030
05-15 05:00:03.681: INFO/DEBUG(1022):          #00  pc 0003ed9a  /
05-15 05:00:03.691: INFO/DEBUG(1022):          #01  pc 0026d0ce  /
05-15 05:00:03.691: INFO/DEBUG(1022):          #02  pc 0026d250  /
05-15 05:00:03.701: INFO/DEBUG(1022):          #03  pc 0000e3b4  /
05-15 05:00:03.711: INFO/DEBUG(1022):          #04  pc 00040a8a  /
05-15 05:00:03.711: INFO/DEBUG(1022):          #05  pc 00013118  /
05-15 05:00:03.711: INFO/DEBUG(1022):          #06  pc 00017b1c  /
05-15 05:00:03.721: INFO/DEBUG(1022):          #07  pc 00017560  /
05-15 05:00:03.721: INFO/DEBUG(1022):          #08  pc 000520ec  /
05-15 05:00:03.731: INFO/DEBUG(1022):          #09  pc 0005210a  /
05-15 05:00:03.731: INFO/DEBUG(1022):          #10  pc 000494c4  /
05-15 05:00:03.741: INFO/DEBUG(1022):          #11  pc 0004954c  /
05-15 05:00:03.741: INFO/DEBUG(1022):          #12  pc 00049896  /
05-15 05:00:03.751: INFO/DEBUG(1022):          #13  pc 00046f6a  /
05-15 05:00:03.751: INFO/DEBUG(1022):          #14  pc 0000f880  /
05-15 05:00:03.761: INFO/DEBUG(1022):          #15  pc 0000f3f4  /

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