I have been wrestling with this problem too, and not quite figured it
out but I remember reading something that Jeff Sharkey said about
widget pending intents not being able to store extras properly or
something, but they do store uris properly... like you can see in the
sky source

        // Connect click intent to launch details dialog
        Intent detailIntent = new Intent(context,

        PendingIntent pending = PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 0,
detailIntent, 0);

        views.setOnClickPendingIntent(R.id.widget, pending);

the extras are never set, but setData() is called...

good luck

On May 22, 1:41 pm, Alexey Volovoy <avolo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Then i've tried PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT i'm no longer
> crashing, but it always launches the activity with extras were put in
> the widget that was updated the last. It looks like pending intent is
> shared among my widget instances . Anyway to avoid that  ?
> On May 22, 12:36 pm, Alexey <avolo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi All ,  i'm working on news feed widget ( looking at Sky as an
> > example )
> > Everything seems to be working except when i have more than one Image
> > and click on the widget i'm crashing.
> > One widget is working fine and more than one widget are working fine
> > too as long as i don't try to launch pending intent.
> > some code :
> > in buildUpdate
> >                 Intent intent = new Intent(context, StoryActivity.class);
> >                 intent.putExtra("CategoryID", catID);
> >                 intent.putExtra("StoryID", nItem.Number);
> >                 Log.d(TAG, "UpdateIntent:" + nItem.Number);
> >                 PendingIntent pending = PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 
> > 0,
> > intent,PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT);
> >                 views.setOnClickPendingIntent(R.id.widget, pending);
> > crash :
> > 05-22 12:31:05.483: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(15473): Uncaught handler:
> > thread main exiting due to uncaught exception
> > 05-22 12:31:05.534: WARN/AudioFlinger(35): write blocked for 94 msecs
> > 05-22 12:31:05.753: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(15473):
> > android.widget.RemoteViews$ActionException: android.app.PendingIntent
> > $CanceledException
> > 05-22 12:31:05.753: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(15473):     at
> > android.widget.RemoteViews$SetOnClickPendingIntent$1.onClick
> > (RemoteViews.java:153)
> > 05-22 12:31:05.753: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(15473):     at
> > android.view.View.performClick(View.java:2179)
> > 05-22 12:31:05.753: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(15473):     at
> > android.view.View.onTouchEvent(View.java:3828)
> > 05-22 12:31:05.753: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(15473):     at
> > android.view.View.dispatchTouchEvent(View.java:3368)
> > 05-22 12:31:05.753: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(15473):     at
> > android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchTouchEvent(ViewGroup.java:831)
> > 05-22 12:31:05.753: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(15473):     at
> > android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchTouchEvent(ViewGroup.java:863)
> > 05-22 12:31:05.753: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(15473):     at
> > android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchTouchEvent(ViewGroup.java:863)
> > 05-22 12:31:05.753: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(15473):     at
> > android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchTouchEvent(ViewGroup.java:863)
> > 05-22 12:31:05.753: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(15473):     at
> > android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchTouchEvent(ViewGroup.java:863)
> > 05-22 12:31:05.753: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(15473):     at
> > android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchTouchEvent(ViewGroup.java:863)
> > 05-22 12:31:05.753: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(15473):     at
> > android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchTouchEvent(ViewGroup.java:863)
> > 05-22 12:31:05.753: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(15473):     at
> > com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindow
> > $DecorView.superDispatchTouchEvent(PhoneWindow.java:1707)
> > 05-22 12:31:05.753: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(15473):     at
> > com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindow.superDispatchTouchEvent
> > (PhoneWindow.java:1197)
> > 05-22 12:31:05.753: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(15473):     at
> > android.app.Activity.dispatchTouchEvent(Activity.java:1993)
> > 05-22 12:31:05.753: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(15473):     at
> > com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindow
> > $DecorView.dispatchTouchEvent(PhoneWindow.java:1691)
> > 05-22 12:31:05.753: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(15473):     at
> > android.view.ViewRoot.handleMessage(ViewRoot.java:1525)
> > 05-22 12:31:05.753: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(15473):     at
> > android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
> > 05-22 12:31:05.753: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(15473):     at
> > android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:123)
> > 05-22 12:31:05.753: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(15473):     at
> > android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:3948)
> > 05-22 12:31:05.753: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(15473):     at
> > java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
> > 05-22 12:31:05.753: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(15473):     at
> > java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:521)
> > 05-22 12:31:05.753: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(15473):     at
> > com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run
> > (ZygoteInit.java:782)
> > 05-22 12:31:05.753: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(15473):     at
> > com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:540)
> > 05-22 12:31:05.753: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(15473):     at
> > dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
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