The built-in map application (and browser) work fine, and as I said
before, firewall is fine - at least as much as I can see. I have
exactly the same code running on a different machine (Vista) and it
works just fine!

On May 26, 2:11 am, Mark Murphy <> wrote:
> Lex wrote:
> > I just went through the MapView Tutorial and I can't get themap
> > displayed whatsoever. I had SDK1.5installed from the beginning.
> > Internet permission isfine, Firewall isfine. I deleted the
> > debug.keystore file on my (XP) machine, rebuilt the project under
> > Google API/Target 3, generated a new key, but still nomap. I really
> > feel like I have exhausted all known solutiouns I have found for this
> > issue so far. Using Eclipse Ganymed and JDK 1.6.13
> Does the built-in Maps application work?
> Ifnot, the problem is with your firewall or something else tied to
> networking.
> If it does, then the problem is probably with your API key, or perhaps
> the INTERNET permission.
> --
> Mark Murphy (a Commons 
> Guy)|
> _Android Programming Tutorials_ Version 0.95 Available!
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