Please file a bug at and we'll have a look. A small
code/apk snippet would be ideal too.
Thanks in advance.

On Sat, May 30, 2009 at 10:44 AM, Mark Murphy <> wrote:
> I am attempting to build an application that uses the Google Maps Add-On.
> I get compile errors on this code:
> GeoPoint status=new GeoPoint((int)(lat*1000000.0),
>                                (int)(lon*1000000.0));
> saying:
> [javac] cannot access
> [javac] class file for not found
> My guess is that MapPoint is some superclass of GeoPoint -- I'm not
> referring to MapPoint itself in my code anywhere, let alone where the
> compile error is.
> If I comment out these lines (and references to the now-missing status
> variable), everything else works fine, including displaying a map, so I
> know I'm targeting everything properly.
> While this project is one that I am migrating from earlier Android
> versions, I get the same error if I "android create project -t 3" a
> fresh project and try using this same code.
> I could have sworn I compiled this cleanly on 1.5r1, though I may be
> mistaken.
> Anybody running into similar problems with 1.5r2?
> Thanks!
> --
> Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
> |
> Warescription: Three Android Books, Plus Updates, $35/Year
> >

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