I transferred my development from Windows to Mac.  I have the latest
version of Eclipse, and the 1.5 r2 SDK.  I have successfully ran a
sample Hello world app to make sure it all fits together properly.

I then imported my library projects (called MyLib) that holds many
reusable classes of mine.  I also imported some projects that depend
on the MyLib package.

When I open my projects, Eclipse asks me if I want to open dependent
projects as well, and I select yes.  The MyLib project folder opens up
as it should.

When I look in my project properties -> project references, the MyLib
folder is checked.

When I run my project, it outputs in the debugger (LogCat):

(in yellow)
dalvikvm failed resolving 'Lcom/mycompany/myapp/Splash; interface 22

dalvikvm Link of class 'Lcom/mycompany/myapp/Splash;' failed

(where MyClass.MyClassCallback is a required interface to one of my
library classes)

(some other stuff...)

(in red)
java.lang.RunTimeException:unable to instantiate activity ComponentInfo
in loader dalvik...

Any ideas as to what I'm doing wrong?  Did I fail to link my library
somewhere else?

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