On Jun 9, 10:41 am, "nick.titatingmembr...@googlemail.com"
<nick.titatingmembr...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a service class my.app.MyService that I'm attempting to launch
> from my.app.MyActivity as follows:
> Intent svc = new Intent( this, MyService.class );
> The manifest contains the entries:
> <uses-permission
> android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_BACKGROUND_SERVICE" />
> <service android:name =".MyService" />
> LogCat gives the message:
> "Unable to start service Intent { comp={"my.app/
> my.app.MyService" } } : not found"
> Could someone kindly let me know what I am missing?
> Thanks,
> Nick.

I think the service tag needs to be a child of the application tag in
your manifest - if it is not this is the sort of error message that is
generated. Check that and see how it goes...

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