still it doesn't get the double taps...

On Jun 12, 12:57 pm, Keith Wiley <> wrote:
> If I'm understanding you correctly, you *named* your handler method
> "setOnDoubleTapListener()".  That's not right.  That's the callback
> setup method you call, passing it the object that you want called back
> to in the event of a double tap.  The callback method is then some
> other name.  In your case, I found the following:
> which suggests you need to write a method with the following
> signature:
> boolean onDoubleTap(MotionEvent e);
> On Jun 12, 9:08 am, Georgy <> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I was able to listen to user touches or taps on the screen in a
> > MapView and trigger a dialog giving the user some feedback.  I need to
> > implement the same concept but with double tap to trigger another
> > dialog.
> > I looked around and couldn't find much...   I wrote this function:
> > public void setOnDoubleTapListener(MotionEvent event, MapView
> > mapView)
> >                 {
> >                     if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) {
> >                                 Dialog dialog1 = new 
> > Dialog(HelloMapView2.this);
> >                                 dialog1.setTitle("Current Location");
> >                                 dialog1.setContentView(R.layout.custom);
> >                                 TextView current_locode = (TextView) 
> > dialog1.findViewById
> > (;
> >                                 current_locode.setText("Current LoCode:  
> > ....");
> >                       ;
> >                  }
> > but the compiler never goes through it when I double tap.
> > any ideas?
> > thanks
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