server = new Socket();
                SocketAddress adr = new InetSocketAddress(host,port);
                server.connect(adr, 3000);

On 6 Jun., 20:58, JP <> wrote:
> I am not familiar with the implementation of the stack, but what you
> could try is to wrap a layer around your calls that first detects
> whether the device is connected to a network. Context.getSystemService
> (CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE) returns an instance of ConnectivtyManager that
> you can query for a NetworkInfo instance. A bit convoluted, but in
> essence if you find that the device is not connected to a network, you
> don't even try to connect and return form the call straight. That
> helped me speed things up. You need an extra permission which you
> declare in the AndroidManifest (I don't have the code with me right
> now but it's easy to find out which).
> On Jun 5, 3:46 am, Monkiki <> wrote:
> > In the sample code, a SocketTimeoutException should be thrown if the
> > connection can't be stablished in a second, isn't it?
> >                 try {
> >                         s = new Socket(host, port);
> >                         s.setSoTimeout(1000);
> >                         if (s.isConnected()) s.close();
> >                 } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) {
> >                         e.printStackTrace();
> >                 } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
> >                         e.printStackTrace();
> >                 } catch (ConnectException e) {
> >                         e.printStackTrace();
> >                 } catch (IOException e) {
> >                         e.printStackTrace();
> >                 }
> > But the timeout take a looong time to be detected.

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