See "Technique to Avoid, #2" here:

On Jun 22, 2:44 pm, Hastala <> wrote:
> So I can't make toggle app for GPS?
> On 5月30日, 上午10时00分, Jeff Sharkey <> wrote:
> > Presumable the user has disabled them for good reason, and apps should
> > not toggle them behind the users back.
> > You could show a dialog to the user, explaining that you'd 
> > likelocationenabled, and then launch into the Settings app using the
> > "android.settings.LOCATION_SOURCE_SETTINGS" Intent.
> > j
> > On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 6:06 PM, Will <> wrote:
> > > How do Ienable/disableGPSand Wifi providers? I check to see if they
> > > are enabled by using this code:
> > > locationManager.isProviderEnabled("gps")
> > > locationManager.isProviderEnabled("network")
> > > If both are false, I'd like to turnenabletheGPSproviderand/or the
> > > Networkproviderso that the  above checks would return true. Is this
> > > possible? If so, what permissions does it require?
> > > I've searched the API and can't find any solutions. Thanks for any
> > > help in advance.
> > --
> > Jeff Sharkey
> >
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