I have a custom view with three texts & one image:

* image on left
* text1 in small font below image
* text2 & text3 to image's right & w/ different font sizes

Below is the View.onDraw() that renders these objects & may be

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {

        int text1Width=(int)(mPaint1.measureText(mText1));
        int text2Width=(int)(mPaint2.measureText(mText2));
        int text3Width=(int)(mPaint3.measureText(mText3));

        int text1Height = (int)(-mPaint1.ascent() + mPaint1.descent());
        int text2Height = (int)(-mPaint2.ascent() + mPaint2.descent());
        int text3Height = (int)(-mPaint3.ascent() + mPaint3.descent());

        int imgWidth = mBitmap.getWidth();
        int imgHeight = mBitmap.getHeight();

        //Draw bitmap on left
        float imgLeft = getPaddingLeft();
        float imgTop = getPaddingTop();
        canvas.drawBitmap(mBitmap, imgLeft, imgTop, null);

        //Draw text1 below bitmap
        int text1x = getPaddingLeft();
        int text1y = getPaddingTop()+imgHeight

        canvas.drawText(mText1, text1x, text1y, mPaint1);

        //assert (text1Width <= imgWidth)
        int view23Width = getWidth()-getPaddingLeft()-imgWidth -
        int text23Width = text2Width + GAP_TEXT2_TEXT3 + text3Width;

        int gap12 = GAP_IMAGE_TEXT2;
        if( text23Width < view23Width) {
                gap12 = (int)((view23Width-text23Width)/2.0f);

        //Draw text2 on right & centerY
        int text2x = imgWidth+gap12;
        canvas.drawText(mText2, text2x, getHeight()/2.0f, mPaint2);

        //Draw text3 to right of text2 w/ a different Paint
        int text3x = text2x+text2Width+GAP_TEXT2_TEXT3;
        canvas.drawText(mText3, text3x, getHeight()/2.0f, mPaint3);


There are limitations as the text portion is not as nearly flexible as

On Jun 24, 12:55 pm, Marco Nelissen <marc...@android.com> wrote:
> Just map that textview to a different column in your result set.
> On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 12:52 PM, Rick <rmanc...@mit.edu> wrote:
> > I am also looking to do something with an image on the left and two
> > textviews arranged as below:
> > +------------------------------------
> > | +-------+     TextView1
> > | | Image |
> > | +-------+     TextView2
> > +------------------------------------
> > It appears possible to use one textview, but TextView2 needs to have
> > smaller font size compared to TextView1. I am able to create it so
> > that there is the image and one textview, but how could I change the
> > data for the second textview?
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