More to add on the same:

I tried 2 different apk's with test suites I want to run.


apk1 has testsuite1
and apk2 has testsuite2

tried running them in two terminals simultaneously.

What I saw was, though I did not get any crash, they don't run
Execution was one followed by other, I continued getting "DDM dispatch
reg wait timeout
Can't dispatch DDM chunk 52454151: no handler defined " messages too.

So Is not it possible to run two instrumentation tests together?


On Jun 27, 12:56 pm, dev <> wrote:
> Hello All,
> This is what I have,say:
> TestCases : TestCase 1 to TestCase10 , all have several test methods
> in it (all extends base class InstrumentationTestCase)
> TestSuite:
>                     TestSuite 1 - Adds 'TestCase 1 to TestCase10' in
> its suite
> All of the above is in single APK.
> Instrumentation Runer used is - android.test.InstrumenationTestRunner
> itself.
> ----------------------------------------------
> This is what I am trying:
> - I launched Emulator having above apk
> - I opened three terminals , two to run instrumentation and third one
> to log results i.e.
> Terminal 1 : adb shell am instrument -w -e class
> com.InstrTest.TestSuite1 com.InstrTest/
> android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner
> com.InstrTest.TestCase1:....
> com.InstrTest.TestCase2:....
> com.InstrTest.TestCase3:....
> com.InstrTest.TestCase4:....
> com.InstrTest.TestCase5:....
> com.InstrTest.TestCase6:.......INSTRUMENTATION_RESULT:
> shortMsg=Process crashed.
> Terminal 2:
> terminal 1 : adb shell am instrument -w -e class
> com.MyInstr.TestSuite1 com.MyInstr/
> android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner
> DDM dispatch reg wait timeout
> Can't dispatch DDM chunk 52454151: no handler defined
> Can't dispatch DDM chunk 48454c4f: no handler defined
> com.InstrTest.TestCase1:....
> com.InstrTest.TestCase2:....
> com.InstrTest.TestCase3:....
> com.InstrTest.TestCase4:....
> com.InstrTest.TestCase5:....
> com.InstrTest.TestCase6:....
> com.InstrTest.TestCase7:....
> com.InstrTest.TestCase8:....
> com.InstrTest.TestCase9:....
> com.InstrTest.TestCase10:....
> Test results for
> InstrumentationTestRunner=.........................................
> .......................................
> Time: 11.191
> OK (10 tests)
> Terminal 3: This is what I saw in the middle of logcat dump:
> ..
> ..
> ..
> D/ActivityManager(  564): Uninstalling process com.InstrTest
> D/ActivityManager(  564): Force removing process ProcessRecord
> {4379dad0 785:tr.nth/10041} (tr.nth/10041)
> W/ActivityManager(  564): Crash of app com.InstrTest running
> instrumentation ComponentInfo{com.InstrTest/
> android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner}
> D/ActivityManager(  564): Uninstalling process com.InstrTest
> D/AndroidRuntime(  776): Shutting down VM
> ..
> ..
> ..
> Queries:
> 1. Is not it possible to run instrumentation in above manner?
> 2. I tried another TestSuite2 in terminal 2 instead of TestSuite1 ,
> this also gave same results.
> My aim is to run 2 testsuites parallel, using same apk. Is it
> possible?
> Or I have to use two different apks? Is there any way that this is
> possible?
> Any input would be appreciated.
> Regards,
> Dev
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