The standard way of handling the "too many points" problem is to use a
clustering system, either server based or client based. Clustering
converts the many markers that can appear in one area, usually
determined by a matrix, into a single marker.

Another method is to limit what is loaded into the map by using the
map bounds as a selection criteria. As the map moves, new points are
loaded and ones out of view are dropped.

Still another method is to use an image overlay instead of individual
points and develop your own method to make the points active. There
are several strategies to accomplish this but essentially, the meta
data associated with the image is loaded into an array that is
analyzed as the pointer moves. This method works better than
individual markers as there are far fewer objects and DOM nodes

If you're interested in learning more about these methods, I suggest
visiting the Google Maps API discussion group and research the
archives. There's a lot of information on these specifics on that

-John Coryat
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