Thanks for the reply. Do you know if this document has been updated
with the changes made in Cupcake?



On Jul 7, 9:34 pm, Peli <> wrote:
> The numbers can be found in the official 
> documentation:
>     *  "No response to an input event (e.g. key press, screen touch)
> within 5 seconds
>     * A BroadcastReceiver hasn't finished executing within 10 seconds"
> Whatever you do, you have to make sure that your *broadcast receiver*
> returns as quickly as possible.
> There are no limits on a background service once it is running.
> On Jul 7, 11:57 am, denismo <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > since Cupcake our application became very unstable. It often dies and
> > users have to restart it manually. The log shows that it was killed
> > due to a timeout, something like this:
> > <code>
> > W/ActivityManager(   56): Timeout of broadcast BroadcastRecord
> > {434824c8 android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED} -
> > receiver=android.os.binderpr...@434ba458
> > W/ActivityManager(   56): Receiver during timeout: ResolveInfo
> > {434663b8 p=0 o=0 m=0x108000}
> > I/Process (   56): Sending signal. PID: 4702 SIG: 9
> > I/ActivityManager(   56): Process (pid
> > 4702) has died.
> > </code>
> > Previously it was working all fine. It also works fine on Emulator.
> > But it is extremely slow on HTC Magic. We found that sometimes it does
> > take some time to respond to some requests (such as the broadcast
> > above for Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED), while in other cases (for example,
> > we have a background Service which starts on BOOT_COMPLETED) it seems
> > the problem is not in our code. Previously, it was taking only 5
> > second for the service to start, while now it takes 15 seconds - the
> > same application, on the new Cupcake phone. I tried converting the
> > service onStart into a simple "new Thread().start()" - and guess what,
> > that gets killed as well before it reaches my first line of code. For
> > the cases when our code is "slow" it became much slower with Cupcake
> > (or is it HTC Magic?).
> > I guess I have two questions to Google, but if someone has workarounds
> > or similar experience please speak up:
> > 1. Why is Cupcake so slow?
> > 2. Can you document the expected time limits within which some
> > methods, either event listeners or overridden, should return before
> > they are considered timed out? We don't mind updating the application
> > by making sure we do respect those limits, but not knowing them costs
> > us too much money as we are discovering them through customer support
> > calls. The example methods which I suspect do have those limits are
> > Service.onStart, ContentObserver.onChange to name a few.
> > Thanks.
> > Denis
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