Um...  a toast by definition sticks around for a while.  If you are enqueing
a bunch of toasts, they are all sticking around waiting to be displayed.
They hold a reference on your context to load resources and such, so your
context won't be released until all of the toasts are shown and dismissed.

On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 8:49 AM, skink <> wrote:

> On Jul 7, 12:27 am, Romain Guy <> wrote:
> > There is no leak, I just verified myself. Your call to System.gc()
> > does NOT guarantee that the GC will run. To check for leaks here is
> > the procedure:
> >
> > - Run the app
> > - Run adb shell dumpsys meminfo | grep -A 12
> > - Look at the count of Activities and ViewRoots
> > - Run DDMS
> > - Force a GC on the app's process
> > - Force a GC on system_server
> > - Force a GC on the app's process
> > - Run adb shell dumpsys meminfo | grep -A 12
> > - Look at the count of Activities and ViewRoots
> > (Repeat these steps)
> >
> > You will see that while the number of Activities/ViewRoot does
> > increase temporarily, it always goes back down the normal numbers.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Romain Guy
> > Android framework engineer
> Romain,
> thank you for your reply, now I see
> the number of Activities/ViewRoot goes
> back to the normal numbers but I still
> believe that context is kept by someone.
> yes, since Activities are finally freed its
> not 'static' memory leak but can
> lead to some rather serious problems
> if for example someone changes
> orientation quite frequently.
> take NotifyWithText demo again
> this is what I done to reproduce the problem:
> I tried to add 'fake' field to my Activity:
> int[] mNotUsedIntArray;
> and in onCreate I allocate it:
> mNotUsedIntArray = new int[500000];
> here I allocate in my activity ~2M bytes
> of memory
> then I try to run that sequence 7/8 times:
> run app, show toast, exit app
> do it rather fast and finally you will see
> OOM Error
> I think if the references of my Activity were
> not kept by someone the system would
> gc() them during the allocation of field
> mNotUsedIntArray (when there is no
> available free memory), but it doesn't.
> if you repeat that sequence quite slow -
> one step per say two minutes you will not
> see OOM Error
> imho most likely the references are released
> upon some timer action.
> do you agree, or I'm missing something?
> thanks
> pskink
> >

Dianne Hackborn
Android framework engineer

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provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
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