loudo wrote:
> why i have the message i can't alter a view in other thread when il
> launch another time the AsyncTask ?

You may have a bug in your AsyncTask subclass.

As I wrote:

"In any AsyncTask, you should be modifying your UI via onPostExecute(),
or perhaps onProgressUpdate(). Note that "modifying your UI" includes
things like updating an adapter that is already connected to a ListView."

So if in doInBackground() you try modifying the UI, directly or
indirectly, you will get the exception you are describing. Determine
what part of your code is triggering that exception, and determine how
to move it to onPostExecute() or onProgressUpdate().

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
http://commonsware.com | http://twitter.com/commonsguy

Android Development Wiki: http://wiki.andmob.org

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