Quick additional question regarding the problem I'm facing:

Is it possible to kill the process running the dialer and restart it ?


On Jul 26, 6:45 am, flohier <floh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear All,
> I wrote an app that places an outgoing call via the ACTION_CALL
> intent.
> After the call is placed, the dialer enters the call log window and at
> that point, my application cannot re-submit an outgoing call without
> having the user exit the call log activity.
> From the kernel source, InCallScreen.java shows implements the
> delayedCleanupAfterDisconnect() method where one can read:
>        .....
>                 // If this is a call that was initiated by the user,
> and
>                 // we're *not* in emergency mode, finish the call by
>                 // taking the user to the Call Log.
>                 // Otherwise we simply call finish(), which will take
> us
>                 // back to wherever we came from.
>                 if (mShowCallLogAfterDisconnect && !
> isPhoneStateRestricted()) {
>                     if (VDBG) log("- Show Call Log after
> disconnect...");
>                     final Intent intent = PhoneApp.createCallLogIntent
> ();
>                     startActivity(intent);
>                     // Even in this case we still call finish()
> (below),
>                     // to make sure we don't stay in the activity
> history.
>                 }
>                 finish();
> The mShowCallLogAfterDisconnect is a boolean also in InCallScreen.java
> that reads:
>     // Flag indicating whether or not we should bring up the Call Log
> when
>     // exiting the in-call UI due to the Phone becoming idle.  (This
> is
>     // true if the most recently disconnected Call was initiated by
> the
>     // user, or false if it was an incoming call.)
>     // This flag is used by delayedCleanupAfterDisconnect(), and is
> set by
>     // onDisconnect() (which is the only place that either posts a
>     // DELAYED_CLEANUP_AFTER_DISCONNECT event *or* calls
>     // delayedCleanupAfterDisconnect() directly.)
>     private boolean mShowCallLogAfterDisconnect;
> If I trust the comment properly, the dialer will enter the call log
> activity unless we had an incoming call triggering InCallScreen. I
> presume that by "call was initiaited by the user" also means other
> activity invoking ACTION_CALL.
> So my question is: does anyone know how I could programmatically exit
> the call log activity as ways to be able to submit another ACTION_CALL
> intent ?
> Thanks for any pointers or suggestions here.
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