Alexey Volovoy wrote:
> Well.. i've tried to use alarm manager like:
> AlarmManager alarmManager = (AlarmManager)getSystemService
> (Context.ALARM_SERVICE);
> alarmManager.set(AlarmManager.RTC, nextUpdate, pendingIntent);
> thinking behind it was - if devices is not a sleep, i'll loop through
> my headlines in 30 sec interval. If it goes a sleep i don't need to do
> anything.
> Well after putting devices to sleep i still see updates. It's
> obviously i'm doing something wrong but have no idea what exactly..

If the device is asleep, how do you "see" updates?

Bear in mind:

"This alarm does not wake the device up; if it goes off while the device
is asleep, it will not be delivered until the next time the device wakes
up. "

Hence, it may be you are getting the alarm as you are coming out of sleep.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy) |

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