Add your module's LOCAL_MODULE value to the product make file's
PRODUCT_PACKAGES variable. Look at the product (for eg:
and LatinIME's file, for details..

On Aug 5, 10:46 am, Harsha <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have written my input method on lines of LatinIME. My IME "MyIME"
> has a service and an activity similar to LatinIME.
> Installing it to emulator via eclipse does not seem to work and hence
> I have tried the  following approaches.
> ~~~~~~~~
> All I need as the first step to know that I am heading in the correct
> direction is that I should be able to see "My IME" as one of the
> available input methods. For example, on any EditText, when I "long
> click & release", the Input Method menu that pops up must also show
> "My IME" as one of the available input methods.
> However so far the pop-up only shows "Android keyboard" (LatinIME).
> Hence I tried the following approaches.
> Approach-1:
> ===========
> I checked out the andorid source code and built & ran it successfully
> to make sure I got the build process right.
> I created my project in ~/mydroid/packages/inputmethods/MyIME. It has
> the package structure '' (to be in line
> with Android's package structure, I am not sure if this is required).
> I ran a build using "make". Make succeed in compiling MyIME, just like
> LatinIME and all the android tools were also created. However looking
> at the build output, LatinIME was installed into  /system/app/
> LatinIME.apk while MyIME was not installed at all.
> Question with respect to approach-1:
> ------------------------------------
> 1. How to get the build process to install MyIME into /system/app as
> MyIME.apk?
> Since install did not happen via the build process, I started the
> newly built emulator (and newly built ddms to watch logs) and used
> follownig install approaches:
> Approach-2:
> ===========
> I ran 'ant debug' to get MyIMESettings-debug.apk. Then I ran 'adb
> install MyIMESettings-debug.apk'. The attempt failed with the message
> approach-3.
> Question with respect to approach-2:
> ------------------------------------
> 2. Why did the install fail when the project was built using 'ant
> debug'? Is it some thing to do with debug signature?
> Approach-3:
> ===========
> The build process had created an APK file but hadn't installed it (/
> mydroid/out/target/product/generic/obj/APPS/MyIME_intermediates/
> package.apk) I renamed that package.apk to MyIME.apk and installed it
> using "adb install MyIME.apk". The install succeed. However, the adb
> install put my APK under /data/app with the name
> "" instead with name MyIME.apk
> Question with respect to approach-3:
> ------------------------------------
> 3. Is there any way to get "adb install MyIME.apk" to install into /
> system/app folder?
> Again, what I am trying to achieve is mentioned under "MY GOAL". Your
> answers my questions and any help to steer me in the direction of my
> goal is very much appreciated
> Thanks & regards,
> Harsha

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