Ok i found the problem. But don't ask my why this would cause a
problem, I have no idea!

It stems from me passing the inputstream into a method. This is what i
was doing.

//in the activity
InputStream filestream = null;
filestream = mCtx.getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.default_song);
Document songXml = parseSongAsset(filestream);

//the method i used
public Document parseSongAsset(InputStream filestream ) {
        try {

                DocumentBuilder docBuilder = 
                Document songXml = docBuilder.parse(filestream);
                return songXml;
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {

This is what i did to fix it

//in the activity
Document songXml = parseSongAsset();

//the method
protected Document parseSongAsset() {
        try {
                InputStream filestream = null;
                filestream = mCtx.getResources().openRawResource
                DocumentBuilder docBuilder = 
                Document songXml = docBuilder.parse(filestream);
                return songXml;
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {

Anyone got an idea why the the original would break things?


On Aug 29, 2:40 pm, longhairedsi <longhaire...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I've just changed my app to load an xml file from a raw resource
> instead of from the sdcard. Every time i run the app it now fails in a
> spectacular way. It just closes down, no exceptions. Log output is
> below.
> I'm not kidding, all i changed was the way an xml file is loaded. If
> change back and it's fine
> Please help!
> Cheers
> Simon
> 08-29 14:24:32.979: INFO/DEBUG(1236): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
> *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
> 08-29 14:24:32.979: INFO/DEBUG(1236): Build fingerprint: 'tmeu/kila_eu/
> dream/trout:1.5/CRC37/150879:user/ota-rel-keys,release-keys'
> 08-29 14:24:32.979: INFO/DEBUG(1236): pid: 1710, tid: 1711  >>>
> com.basementajax.microjam <<<
> 08-29 14:24:32.979: INFO/DEBUG(1236): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), fault addr
> 00000004
> 08-29 14:24:32.979: INFO/DEBUG(1236):  r0 00000004  r1 40021800  r2
> 00000004  r3 ad32aa45
> 08-29 14:24:32.979: INFO/DEBUG(1236):  r4 00000000  r5 00000000  r6
> ad344125  r7 4100afb8
> 08-29 14:24:32.989: INFO/DEBUG(1236):  r8 100ffcb0  r9 4100afb0  10
> 41a46450  fp 00001071
> 08-29 14:24:32.989: INFO/DEBUG(1236):  ip ad36492c  sp 100ffc98  lr
> ad32aa4f  pc afb045a8  cpsr 00000010
> 08-29 14:24:33.309: INFO/DEBUG(1236):          #00  pc 000045a8  /
> system/lib/libcutils.so
> 08-29 14:24:33.309: INFO/DEBUG(1236):          #01  lr ad32aa4f  /
> system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so
> 08-29 14:24:33.319: INFO/DEBUG(1236): stack:
> 08-29 14:24:33.319: INFO/DEBUG(1236):     100ffc58  00000000
> 08-29 14:24:33.319: INFO/DEBUG(1236):     100ffc5c  00197e80  [heap]
> 08-29 14:24:33.319: INFO/DEBUG(1236):     100ffc60  00000000
> 08-29 14:24:33.319: INFO/DEBUG(1236):     100ffc64  00169140  [heap]
> 08-29 14:24:33.319: INFO/DEBUG(1236):     100ffc68  100ffcc8
> 08-29 14:24:33.329: INFO/DEBUG(1236):     100ffc6c  00197e80  [heap]
> 08-29 14:24:33.329: INFO/DEBUG(1236):     100ffc70  423907a0
> 08-29 14:24:33.329: INFO/DEBUG(1236):     100ffc74  000000c1
> 08-29 14:24:33.329: INFO/DEBUG(1236):     100ffc78  40021800
> 08-29 14:24:33.329: INFO/DEBUG(1236):     100ffc7c  000000c2
> 08-29 14:24:33.329: INFO/DEBUG(1236):     100ffc80  00000000
> 08-29 14:24:33.339: INFO/DEBUG(1236):     100ffc84  00000000
> 08-29 14:24:33.339: INFO/DEBUG(1236):     100ffc88  00000000
> 08-29 14:24:33.339: INFO/DEBUG(1236):     100ffc8c  00000000
> 08-29 14:24:33.339: INFO/DEBUG(1236):     100ffc90  df002777
> 08-29 14:24:33.349: INFO/DEBUG(1236):     100ffc94  e3a070ad
> 08-29 14:24:33.349: INFO/DEBUG(1236): #00 100ffc98  00000000
> 08-29 14:24:33.349: INFO/DEBUG(1236):     100ffc9c  ad32aa4f  /system/
> lib/libandroid_runtime.so
> 08-29 14:24:33.359: INFO/DEBUG(1236):     100ffca0  100ffcd0
> 08-29 14:24:33.359: INFO/DEBUG(1236):     100ffca4  ad344135  /system/
> lib/libandroid_runtime.so
> 08-29 14:24:33.359: INFO/DEBUG(1236):     100ffca8  410a99d0
> 08-29 14:24:33.359: INFO/DEBUG(1236):     100ffcac  ad00e3b8  /system/
> lib/libdvm.so
> 08-29 14:24:33.359: INFO/DEBUG(1236):     100ffcb0  410a99d0
> 08-29 14:24:33.359: INFO/DEBUG(1236):     100ffcb4  000f7430  [heap]
> 08-29 14:24:33.369: INFO/DEBUG(1236):     100ffcb8  ad344125  /system/
> lib/libandroid_runtime.so
> 08-29 14:24:33.369: INFO/DEBUG(1236):     100ffcbc  40021800
> 08-29 14:24:33.369: INFO/DEBUG(1236):     100ffcc0  410a99d0
> 08-29 14:24:33.369: INFO/DEBUG(1236):     100ffcc4  afe39dd0
> 08-29 14:24:33.369: INFO/DEBUG(1236):     100ffcc8  100ffcd0
> 08-29 14:24:33.369: INFO/DEBUG(1236):     100ffccc  ad040a8d  /system/
> lib/libdvm.so
> 08-29 14:24:33.379: INFO/DEBUG(1236):     100ffcd0  4100afb0
> 08-29 14:24:33.379: INFO/DEBUG(1236):     100ffcd4  41c44fd4
> 08-29 14:24:33.379: INFO/DEBUG(1236):     100ffcd8  ad344125  /system/
> lib/libandroid_runtime.so
> 08-29 14:24:33.379: INFO/DEBUG(1236):     100ffcdc  100ffd48
> 08-29 14:24:34.109: INFO/ActivityManager(62): Process
> com.basementajax.microjam (pid 1710) has died.
> 08-29 14:24:34.119: INFO/WindowManager(62): WIN DEATH: Window{433928a8
> com.basementajax.microjam/com.basementajax.microjam.MicroJam
> paused=false}
> 08-29 14:24:34.119: INFO/DEBUG(1236): debuggerd committing suicide to
> free the zombie!
> 08-29 14:24:34.129: DEBUG/Zygote(34): Process 1710 terminated by
> signal (11)
> 08-29 14:24:34.169: INFO/DEBUG(1723): debuggerd: Aug  6 2009 17:14:09
> 08-29 14:24:34.179: INFO/WindowManager(62): WIN DEATH: Window{4343fbc8
> com.basementajax.microjam/com.basementajax.microjam.MicroJam
> paused=false}
> 08-29 14:24:34.199: INFO/WindowManager(62): Setting rotation to 0,
> animFlags=0
> 08-29 14:24:34.219: INFO/WindowManager(62): Config changed:
> { scale=1.0 imsi=0/0 locale=en_GB touch=3 key=2/1/2 nav=3 orien=1 }
> 08-29 14:24:34.229: INFO/WindowManager(62): Config changed:
> { scale=1.0 imsi=0/0 locale=en_GB touch=3 key=2/1/2 nav=3 orien=1 }
> 08-29 14:24:34.239: WARN/SurfaceComposerClient(62): Destroying surface
> while a transaction is open. Client 0x1f8ba8: destroying surface 0,
> mTransactionOpen=1
> 08-29 14:24:34.239: WARN/WindowManager(62):
> performLayoutAndPlaceSurfacesLocked called while in layout
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