Hello Jiang,
I too have a similar problem, I have multiple .so files, but not
getting where to copy those. When I copy them into libs\armeabi\
folder and using android code as :


The application crashes, when control comes to the 2nd loadlib.
The 1st lib being the .so created by compiling through Cigwin(it is
bydefault being created in libs\armeabi) and is working fine, means
iam able to call native methods for this .so.

Did u got any solution to this problem.
Please help.

Thanx in advance,
waiting for reply..

On Aug 26, 1:09 pm, Jiang <webs...@yahoo.cn> wrote:
> Thanks for your replay.
> In fact, I know how to create jni library and how to load jni library in Java 
> application, what confusing me is where to install the third shared library.
> For example:
> If I defeind a jni library libjni-test.so which invokes APIs defined in 
> libxxx.so(libxxx.so is not system library), and load the library by invoking 
> System.load("jni-test") in Java application, then I copy libjni-test.so to 
> <My-Project>/lib/, after building and installing application, the 
> libjni-test.so is installed under /data/data/<my-package-name>/lib, but what 
> place to copy the third library libxxx.so to?
> Thanks.
> --- 09年8月26日,周三, Dianne Hackborn <hack...@android.com> 写道:
> 发件人: Dianne Hackborn <hack...@android.com>
> 主题: [android-developers] Re: In Java application, how to load native  library 
> which depends on the third shared library
> 收件人: android-developers@googlegroups.com
> 日期: 2009年8月26日,周三,下午3:20
> Hi, you probably want to ask about native development on android-ndk.
> 2009/8/25 Jiang <webs...@yahoo.cn>
> Hello, guys.
> I created a jni library which depends the third shared library, I must copy 
> the third shared library to /system/lib, otherwise, Java application can't 
> load jni library. But you know, on G1 with official OS image, /system/lib is 
> readonly. I tried to call System.setProperty to set java.library.path to the 
> location stored the thired shared library before load jni library, but the 
> issue still exists.
> Is there any one konw how to solve this issue? Thanks a lot.
> BR,
> - Jiang
>         好玩贺卡等你发,邮箱贺卡全新上线!
> --
> Dianne Hackborn
> Android framework engineer
> hack...@android.com
> Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to 
> provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such 
> questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and 
> answer them.
>       ___________________________________________________________
>   好玩贺卡等你发,邮箱贺卡全新上线!http://card.mail.cn.yahoo.com/

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