The minSDKVersion of the app is 3 (1.5) and the ADP1 and the AVD are
each at the same level. It's all at 3 (1.5).

Changing to the manual confuguration seems to have been the answer.

Thank you!

On Sep 18, 12:30 am, Raphael <> wrote:
> What is the minSdkVersion for your app? Which android does the avd
> that starts run?
> For example if you have minSdkVersion=4 in your app's manifest, ADT
> will want to locate a system for android-4, but your device only runs
> android-3 (aka 1.5).
> One workaround is to edit your launch configuration in eclipse to use
> the manual target mode: menu Run > Run/Debug Configuration > select
> config > Target tab > Manual.
> R/
> On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 8:02 PM, WoodManEXP <> wrote:
> > Does anyone know how to get the debugger to launch on an ADP1?. It was
> > recently flashed to 1.5. Dev platform is Eclipse on Windows XP with
> > the SDK 1.5 USB driver installed (HTC Dream Composite Interface).
> > Windows can see the device and adb can see the device with “adb
> > devices” command. USB Debugging has been enabled on the device and the
> > application manifest has android:debuggable="true" set in it. The
> > LogCat windows is showing log output from the ADP1 too.
> > But when Selecting Run->Debug or Run->Run the avd is always launched.
> > The instructions say that it should launch to the device or give a
> > choice if the avd is running too.
> > Do anyone know what needs to be done to get the debugger to launch
> > against the real device instead of the avd?- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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