re-naming x86 to x86_64 does not work.
Following exception is thrown:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Cannot load
32-bit SWT libraries on 64-bit JVM

On Sep 17, 2:04 pm, Gil Margolin <> wrote:
> Or a much easier way is just rename the folder "/tools/lib/x86" to "/
> tools/lib/x86_64"
> On Sep 16, 10:04 pm, David Horn <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I've been unable to run any of the tools in the Donut SDK, using Snow
> >Leopard- it seems to be due to the 64bit nature of the OS.
> > Followed the steps in the upgrade guide, but when it comes to starting
> > any of the tools (android, ddms etc), they refuse to start with the
> > error message:
> > "David-Horns-MacBook:tools David$ ./ddms
> > SWT folder '/Users/David/Desktop/Eclipse IDE/android-sdk-
> > mac_x86-1.6_r1/tools/lib/x86_64' does not exist.
> > Please export ANDROID_SWT to point to the folder containing swt.jar
> > for your platform."
> > There is no x86-64 folder, but I've come up with a bit of a bodge that
> > works.  Open the file in a handy text editor, and look for the lines:
> > # Combine the swtpath and the framework dir path.
> > if [ -d "$swtpath" ]; then
> >     frameworkdir="${swtpath}:${frameworkdir}"
> > else
> >     echo "SWT folder '${swtpath}' does not exist."
> >     echo "Please export ANDROID_SWT to point to the folder containing
> > swt.jar for your platform."
> >     exit 1
> > fi
> > Replace them with this, substituting your own path in to the lib
> > folder.
> > # Combine the swtpath and the framework dir path.
> >     frameworkdir="/Users/David/Desktop/Eclipse IDE/android-sdk-
> > mac_x86-1.6_r1/tools/lib/x86:${frameworkdir}"
> > Hope this helps (not sure if this is a problem unique to me, or
> > whether it's affecting everyone on SnowLeopard).
> > Dave.

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