Try using setData() to store your message instead of extras: that
forces the
Intent to be seen as a new one. Or you can keep using extras and
create some
other unique token every time for setData().


p.s. you can also try FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT at the end of your
getService call (read
the PendingIntent docs first).

On Sep 25, 9:39 pm, "Jason B." <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm creating an intent that I'm pushing to the AlarmManager so that a
> service will be run at a later time.  I have a single string value I
> need to pass with the intent so the service knows what to "do" when
> it's onStart() is called.
> Here is the code that sets up my intent and pushes it to the
> AlarmManager
> Intent myintent = new Intent();
> myintent.setClass(mContext, RemindMeLater_Service.class);
> myintent.putExtra("ReminderText", mEditText_Reminder.getText().toString
> ());
> mPendingIntent = PendingIntent.getService(this, 0, myintent, 0);
> // Use the AlarmManager to schedule the PendingIntent
> mAlarmManager.set(AlarmManager.ELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP, alarmTime,
> mPendingIntent);
> Notice the line:
> myintent.putExtra("ReminderText", mEditText_Reminder.getText().toString
> ());
> Essentially I'm trying to "change" the extended data referenced by the
> same name in the putExtra call.  Note also that the "myintent" Intent
> is freshly created everytime this block of code executes, so it should
> be a new instantiated Intent object.  The text that is put into the
> extended data comes from an EditText view on my activity.
> The code in the service that is trying to pull the string out is:
>  public void onStart(Intent intent, int startId) {
>         // Increment mReminderId to ensure each notification is unique to
> this context
>         String reminderText = intent.getStringExtra("ReminderText");
>         //do stuff with the "reminderText" we just got out of the intent
>        // ...........
>     }
> Seems pretty simple, and logical.  So here comes the problem.  This
> works ONCE.  The first time the intent is created and the extended
> data is added with .putExtra(  ), when the AlarmManager goes off and
> starts the service, the remidnerText is exactly what I put in.
> However, subsequent calls to this code, creating the intent, adding a
> new string using .putExtra( ), the AlarmManager goes off, service gets
> onStart() called, now the reminderText still has the same value from
> the first call.  It keeps holding onto the same value for ever until I
> uninstall the .apk and reinstall (i.e. Rebuild ->Run through eclipse
> on the emulator or a real device).
> I've tried putting breakpoints right at this line and verified the new
> string being passed into putExtra() has changed:
> myintent.putExtra("ReminderText", mEditText_Reminder.getText().toString
> ());
> And then a breakpoint at the service line and verified that it still
> has the previous value:
> String reminderText = intent.getStringExtra("ReminderText");
> I'm a little lost at what to do next.  Maybe the bundle that is
> created is when I call putExtra() is being cached?  I've tried doing
> System.gc() right before I create my new intent each time and still no
> luck.  Thanks for any insight, I hope I've provided enough detail.
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