Hello again..

I have more details about this problem.. perhaps somebody can help
clarify things now =)

So if I test by installing and upgrading via the browser only instead
of the browser/market combination then things work out ok - I don't
get the mismatched uid error:
    com.my.application.package.path has mismatched uid: 10031 on disk,
10046 in settings; read messages:

Another thing I forgot to mention is that I'm using copy-protection in
the market - could this affect how uid's are generated? Speaking of
which, how are uid's generated - are we (as developers) supposed to
know or care at this layer of abstraction?

And one last question! If all upgrades are performed exclusively
through the market (with copy protection) will I have to worry about
all this uid business?

help! thanks!

On Sep 28, 9:32 am, Sheado <chad...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to prepare an update to one of my apps and I just realized
> that the updated version cannot read or write over the previous
> version's SharedPreferences.
> Some details:
> * I'm using the 1.6 SDK and compiling for 1.5.3.
> * My androidmanifest.xml does not have a sharedUserId (I didn't think
> I need one if I was not sharing data between different apps).
> How to reproduce:
> * Install my current app from the market
> * Run the app
> * Exit and save the setting - invoking SharedPreferences Editor commit
> (it's using MODE_PRIVATE)
> * Now install my new update (via a browser download)
> * Run the app
>     * Everything works fine
> * Exit & Save
> *** Now reboot the phone
> * Run the app again
> ==> Can no longer access old data or write over it!!
> Did I do something wrong? Is it because of the sharedUserId thing? Is
> it because of the way I'm testing - via market then browser? Why is
> LogCat reporting a UID change?
> ==> mismatched uid: 10031 on disk, 10046 in settings;
> Can I recover from this? I don't want to delete all of my users' data.
> help! =]
> Here's some edited output from LogCat:
> 09-28 09:10:54.083: ERROR/PackageManager(60): Package
> com.my.application.package.path has mismatched uid: 10031 on disk,
> 10046 in settings; read messages:
> 09-28 09:10:54.083: ERROR/PackageManager(60): Read completed
> successfully: 71 packages, 7 shared uids
> ....
> 09-28 09:11:08.513: ERROR/ApplicationContext(60): Couldn't create
> directory for SharedPreferences file shared_prefs/wallpaper-hints.xml
> ....
> 09-28 09:11:51.522: ERROR/ApplicationContext(278): Couldn't rename
> file /data/data/com.my.application.package.path/shared_prefs/
> MyFuzzleFile.xml to backup file /data/data/
> com.my.application.package.path/shared_prefs/MyFuzzleFile.xml.bak
> 09-28 09:11:51.552: ERROR/ApplicationContext(278): Couldn't create
> directory for SharedPreferences file /data/data/
> com.my.application.package.path/shared_prefs/MyFuzzleFile.xml
> 09-28 09:11:51.552: ERROR/ApplicationContext(278): Couldn't rename
> file /data/data/com.my.application.package.path/shared_prefs/
> MyFuzzleFile.xml to backup file /data/data/
> com.my.application.package.path/shared_prefs/MyFuzzleFile.xml.bak
> 09-28 09:11:51.552: ERROR/ApplicationContext(278): Couldn't create
> directory for SharedPreferences file /data/data/
> com.my.application.package.path/shared_prefs/MyFuzzleFile.xml
> ....
> Thank You! Any help is appreciated!
> Chad
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