Dear Mark,

your solution sounds really great but I discovered that it is just ...
impossible to make some bulk operation on contacts (at least until
release r3).

I then optimized my code to update just what has to be updated.

Thanks you by the way for your answer.


On 28 sep, 14:19, Mark Murphy <> wrote:
> wrote:
> > I have an application that updates all the contacts belonging to a
> > group, I currently do the following :
> > -> Get the group id
> > -> Get all the contacts id inside this group
> > -> For each of them I am doing an update on thecontact=> This is
> > really heavy and seems to take time in real phones while I expect it
> > to be "instantaneous".
> > I am wondering if we can, in the ContentResolver.update() method
> > specify a kind of join.
> > For instance I'd like to do something like :
> > UPDATE <people> SET <>="<new name>" FROM People p,
> > GroupsMemberships gm WHERE p.person_id=gm.person_id and
> > gm.group_id=<my_group_id>
> > Does anyone know if it's possible or not?
> Not that I am aware of. Bear in mind that not all content providers will
> be using a SQL database as the place of data storage.
> Since the contacts content provider does appear to use SQLite, rather
> than iterating over your contacts, though, you could try the IN syntax
> in the WHERE-style constraint:
> [WHERE] person_id IN (...)
> where ... is a comma-delimited set of values, or possibly even a
> sub-select to get the IDs of the contacts to update.
> --
> Mark Murphy (a Commons 
> Guy)|
> Looking for Android opportunities?
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