Implement your subclass of BaseAdapter (e.g. JSONArrayAdapter).
Implement/override the getCount(), getItem(int position), etc. to make
your BaseAdapter a proper list-adapter around your jsonarray.

Implement the getView method; it provides the 'position' and
'contentView' parameters.
- Use position and getItem(position) to obtain an json-element from
your jsonarray.
- re-use contentView or create a brand-new one if it is null:
  - Assign text/images to the contentView (or its child-view) based
    the json-element you got.

Then assign an instance of your JSONArrayAdapter to your list- or grid-
And viola. It should work :)

Take a look at the 'API Demo' in the Android SDK for examples.

On Sep 29, 3:45 pm, vorcigernix <> wrote:
> Ok, I don't get a BaseAdapter logic, I assume because I am not used to
> java. I found tons of examples on net (mostly for drawing pictures
> etc) but it make no sense to me. For example, list4 from sdk do
> something similar, but...where are they binding data? I see where data
> is set to custom class, but what actually returns data from
> BaseAdapter? GetView?
> Thanks for any clarification
> Adam
> On Sep 28, 8:15 pm, Mark Muphy <> wrote:
> > vorcigernix wrote:
> > > Hello,
> > > I made my application from various examples and sources, so now I have
> > > filled jsonarray and prepared listview (with custom rows formatting).
> > > Now I need to replace
> > > ListAdapter myAdapter =(new ArrayAdapter<String>
> > > (this,R.layout.rowlayout,, values));
> > > with my json array based adapter. All I found is some technique to
> > > iterate through all json records and construct string array. It sound
> > > like perverse to me, is it really necessary?
> > Create your own adapter class from BaseAdapter, and you can traverse
> > your JSON however you want.
> > --
> > Mark Murphy (a Commons 
> > Guy)|
> > Need Android talent? Ask on HADO! Hide quoted 
> > text -
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