This log doesn't make sense to me.  In particular, I don't understand
why the "AndroidRuntime START" message is being printed with the D/
UiHandler log tag and appearing in the application's pid.  Might have
something to do with the "logcat read: Invalid argument", i.e.
something is getting twisted up in the logging?

If you have a reproducible case, please file a bug on,
attaching your APK if appropriate.

On Sep 30, 9:35 am, André Charles Legendre <>
> Android VM crash in a Samsung Galaxy running a code good working with 
> emulator.
> My code call facebook rest service to get my friends info. But when I
> get server response VM crash.
> And I really need help.
> Log is down here :
> D/UiHandler( 1488): executeMethodForMessage mFacebook.execute AFTER
> I/global  ( 1488): Default buffer size used in BufferedInputStream
> constructor. It would be better to be explicit if an 8k buffer is
> required.
> D/UiHandler( 1488): executeMethodForMessage finally AFTER CharArrayBuffer
> D/UiHandler( 1488): executeMethodForMessage buffer length256
> D/UiHandler( 1488): executeMethodForMessage buffer length512
> D/UiHandler( 1488): executeMethodForMessage buffer length768
> D/UiHandler( 1488): executeMethodForMessage buffer length1024
> D/UiHandler( 1488): executeMethodForMessage buffer length1134
> D/UiHandler( 1488): executeMethodForMessage buffer length1390
> D/UiHandler( 1488): executeMethodForMessage buffer length1646
> D/UiHandler( 1488): executeMethodForMessage buffer length1902
> D/UiHandler( 1488): executeMethodForMessage buffer length2158
> D/UiHandler( 1488): executeMethodForMessage buffer length2414
> D/UiHandler( 1488): executeMethodForMessage buffer length2670
> D/UiHandler( 1488): executeMethodForMessage buffer length2926
> D/UiHandler( 1488): executeMethodForMessage buffer length3182
> D/UiHandler( 1488): executeMethodForMessage buffer length3438
> D/UiHandler( 1488): executeMethodForMessage buffer length3694
> D/UiHandler( 1488): executeMethodForMessage buffer length3950
> D/UiHandler( 1488): executeMethodForMessage buffer length4206
> D/UiHandler( 1488):
> D/UiHandler( 1488):
> D/UiHandler( 1488): >>>>>>>>>>>>>> AndroidRuntime START <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> D/UiHandler( 1488):
> D/UiHandler( 1488):
> D/UiHandler( 1488): (
> logcat read: Invalid argument
> Code is down here
> HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
> int i = (int)entity.getContentLength();
> if (i < 0) {
>    i = 1024;}
> String charset = getContentCharSet(entity);
> if (charset == null) {
> Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(new
> BufferedInputStream(entity.getContent()));
> CharArrayBuffer buffer = new CharArrayBuffer(i);
> Log.d(LOG, "executeMethodForMessage finally AFTER CharArrayBuffer");
> try {
>   char[] tmp = new char[256];
>   int l;
>   while((l = != -1) {
>       buffer.append(tmp, 0, l);
>        Log.d(LOG, "executeMethodForMessage buffer length" + buffer.length());
>    }} finally {
>    reader.close();
> }
> Log.d(LOG, "executeMethodForMessage finally AFTER close");
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