I had this problem with both XP and Vista.  I can't remember the exact
label but here is what I did to eventually solve it:

1) Install the Android SDK (the \android-sdk-windows-1.5_r3\usb_driver
\x86 folder has usb drivers)
2) Connected my G1 via any USB cable (used a couple different ones,
didn't matter which one)
3) Opened Device Manager
4) Removed the Android phone from the list
4.a)This is the tricky part because there are a few places you have to
remove it, because Windows detects it as not only an Android phone but
also a USB Storage device.  I kept just removing the android phone but
never removed the USB Storage device, so windows still had a driver on
hand it thought would work everytime I re-plugged the G1 back into the
PC.  Once I finally removed the USB Storage device part too, I was
able to successfully continue to the next step.  The tricky part is it
doesn't say anything like "Android USB Storage Device" it just says
"USB Storage Device" so I had to plugin and unplug the phone a few
times to see what entries came up when I did.
5) Unplug the phone
6) Plug the phone back in
7) Tell the Windows driver dialog boxes that you will point to a
specific location for the driver, and point to the directory from (1)
8) Install...

After doing that I was able to finally get it to work, after a few
hours of cursing windows for not letting me "choose" the right driver
of course.  The key was (4a) above.  You have to remove "ALL" entries
in Device Manager that come up when you plug the phone in, and they
aren't all in the same place.

Hope this helps,

On Oct 2, 10:24 pm, joelt <j...@harpsoft.com> wrote:
> I am having trouble getting the proper USB ADB driver for the G1
> installed. Windows seems to have already decided which driver it
> should use. I've tried "updating the driver", but the Windows wizard
> has decided that it knows better to use the existing driver.
> "could not find a better match for your hardware that the software you
> currently have installed"
> The driver points to files in the Windows directory:
> \windows\system32\DRIVERS\disk.sys
> \windows\system32\drivers\PartMgr.sys
> \windows\system32\drivers\Shockprf.sys
> I got to think these are the wrong files, they are the files that come
> with the USB driver as downloaded here.
> Is there anyway I can force it to use the proper files? I have tried
> uninstalling the current driver, but as soon as I plug in it goes back
> to the same driver... UGH!!!
> Help please,
> Joel
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