Thank you very much :)

Thats is exactly what I was looking for.

for future reference:
We changed the way we work with intents and used URIs, now it works
(dont forget your "<data android:schema... />" in your receivers
intent-filter !!)

thanks Amitkeerti

On Oct 7, 7:28 am, Amitkeerti <> wrote:
> you might be facing a problem because of the pending intent.
> Inorder to differentiate the two intents, you set 2 different URLs in
> the intent.
> (i.e. when you create your intent instead of adding mAppWidgetId as
> putExtra, create an URL out of it and add it as intent1.setData(URI))
> your extra data actually goes into a bundle in the Intent where as the
> URI gets stored in a different variable. So differentiating 2 intents
> based on getData do the trick (rather than differentiating based on
> putExtra(id, int))
> On Oct 7, 1:38 am, Pablo <> wrote:
> > A solution (or rather a workaround) was found.
> > I am posting this for future reference:
> > It was simpler than I thought, but it didn't occur to me or my friend
> > with whom I am developing this widget, until he recently came up with
> > this simple solution.
> > It consists in having the different flags selected by the users in the
> > configuration activity appended as strings to the intent action.
> > That way, if you want some instances of your widget to behave by
> > outputting sound and others not, setup different action strings
> > accordingly.
> > (for example, "action_button1_sound" if the button should output
> > sound, and "action_button1_nosound" for the opposite behavior.
> > If you have more than one flag you can set in your configuration
> > activity, as it is in our case, you'll have to manifest all possible
> > combinations in your intent-filters. You don't have to parse the
> > intent action string, though, as that is only needed so the intents do
> > not overwrite each other.
> > Therefore, you can now read the arguments passed through the extras
> > and make the buttons behave accordingly.
> > If someone finds a nicer solution I will be happy to hear about it!
> > thanks!
> > On Oct 5, 10:08 pm, Pablo <> wrote:
> > > I am developing a simple widget which has a couple of buttons in its
> > > layout.
> > > Before the widget gets added, the configuration activity is displayed,
> > > where the user can choose if the widget makes any sounds when the
> > > buttons get pressed or not.
> > > Thus, a user can put two instances of the widget, one where he chose
> > > sound to be activated and another where he chose the opposite.
> > > However, I can not seem to be able to reproduce the expected behavior
> > > (that one reproduces sound and the other doesn't).
> > > The buttons' behavior varies according to the flags specified to the
> > > PendingIntent:
> > > - FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT seems to override the previous intent/setting
> > > - no flags (0x00) seems to ignore any intent/setting after the first
> > > instance of the widget is put.
> > > What I want to do: I want to be able to configure different instances
> > > of the same widget to behave in a different way, according to what the
> > > user specified in the configuration activity. I am attempting to do
> > > this with the help of the appWidgetId of each instance:
> > > I have tried the following when assigning an action to the click of
> > > the button:
> > >                         int mAppWidgetId=appWidgetIds[i];
> > >                         Intent intent1=new Intent();
> > >                         
> > > intent1.setAction("com.spartancoders.intenttest.TEST");
> > >                         Log.d("TEST ONUPDATE",""+mAppWidgetId);
> > >                         intent1.putExtra("id", mAppWidgetId);
> > >                         PendingIntent pi1 = 
> > > PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context,
> > > 0,intent1,PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);
> > > And in the onReceive() method:
> > >                 Bundle extras = arg1.getExtras();
> > >                 if (arg1!=null){
> > >                         Log.d("TEST ONRECEIVE",""+extras.getInt("id"));
> > >                 }
> > > This results in the first widget acting properly (The IDs printed in
> > > logcat are as expected)
> > > When adding a second widget, however, the first widget starts
> > > reporting the second widget's appWidgetId in its onReceive(), when it
> > > previously did no such thing.
> > > (because of the FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT, I guess)
> > > How can one make different instances behave in a different way?
> > > Is there a way to do this with the help of the appWidgetId?
> > > I have elaborated a widget application for the purpose of debugging
> > > this problem which tries to be minimal, while reproducing the (un)
> > > desired behavior:
> > >
> > > Any help is appreciated, thanks!
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