At AndAppStore we've recently introduced a pay-for app system which
lets apps confirm at runtime whether or not the user has purchased the
app. This means that even if the apk is spread around the internet and
installed on many devices your app can still either refuse to run or
enter a demo mode to try and get the user to buy a legitimate copy if
the user hasn't paid to use it.

When you list an app you can find a link to the purchase checking
system underneath the box where you can select "Requires Payment" as
the applications license type.


P.P.S. <plug>And we don't take any fees for pay-for apps, you only
have to pay PayPals fees :)</plug>.

On Oct 14, 2:19 pm, vorcigernix <> wrote:
> I think major source of these applications are torrents. But I have to
> second what String said, if you really want to sell you apps, you have
> to use AndAppStore and SlideME just because there are around 50% of
> users which can't buy your software from google marketplace even if
> they want. I think it is correct to blame google for poor marketplace,
> on other hand I really appriciate that you don't have to use google
> marketplace at all.
> On 14 říj, 13:48, WoodManEXP <> wrote:
> > I keep reading posts about Chinese and other web sites that are
> > offering the paid, copy protected apps for free.
> > If this is indeed the case and there is not a reasonable remedy it
> > definitely takes the wind out of our sails for investing further in
> > creating applications for the Android platform.
> > Some say that Google bears no responsibility in this situation, but I
> > think they do need to step up in some fashion. After all Google has
> > positioned the Marketplace as sole distribution point for the apps and
> > take 30% for their services. But if what the Marketplace does is
> > funnel copy protected apps into the free distribution channels then
> > what is the point?
> > Can anyone from Google respond to this situation?
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