starred ... couldn't agree more!

On Oct 26, 12:40 pm, Smelly Eddie <> wrote:
> I know Google is quite diligent when it comes to Data Warehousing.
> Beyond the simple 'Active Installs' and 'Total installs' I am sure
> they have a whole treasure chest of useful information like active
> versions, Android Release version,  hardware, and uninstall reasons
> (based on the prompt users see while uninstalling)
> It sure would be nice if we could see (even a portion of) this
> somehow.
> Example - Out of 524 ppl to install version 0.5.4 80% uninstalled
> saying "Does not function", while only 12% of those on version 0.5.5
> uninstalled.
> Wow Sure points to a bug in that version(0.5.4), how useful... or at
> least it would be if we could see this stuff.
> If you think this would be useful, please star this issue;
> Share Market Statistics 
> -
> I know of 1 other ticket, but it is more focused on comments not quite
> on target;
> User Feedback -
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