Unfortunately, I seem to have made a fatal mistake of placing a
mandatory user registration form as one of the first Activities.  I
only had 50 people actually register (some with fake email addresses
which I'm actually okay with, given the circumstances), and out of
those only 3 or 4 people actually spent longer than a couple of
seconds looking at the application.  Only by the 5th Activity does my
application get really interesting (an editable map overlay which can
snap to predefined points) but only those 3 or 4 "judges" would have
even seen that.  I'm very disappointed - how can 96 people claim to
have judged my application if they haven't even interacted with it?

> > About 140 users for ours.  I agree it's a pretty small sample, not
> > sure why they couldn't have left the first round open for a while
> > longer.

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