It's only a matter of time until a thread like this starts, so I
figured I'd get the ball rolling.

The situation of judging ADC2 apps, built for Android 1.5, on later
versions just got a whole lot worse with the release of 2.0. It's well
known that 1.6 broke a number of ADC2 apps; we're now beginning to see
it spreading to more entries with this latest release. So unless the
situation changes, even more developers who sweated blood getting
their best efforts out by August 31 are now summarily, randomly
removed from the competition, through no fault of their own.

I've been thinking about this since it started with 1.6, and
personally, I see two possible ways forward.

1. Allow ALL developers to submit an update to their ADC2 apps. Not
just those whose apps were obviously broken by donut or eclair, but
all of us. This is the only way to keep a level playing field while
allowing regression bugs to be worked around. Of course, the field
still won't be entirely level - some devs released their apps outside
of ADC2 and have been actively working on them for the last 2 months,
while others have not - but it's the only fair way to allow fixes.

2. Remove the public-judging component of Round 2, and supply the
expert judges with v1.5 handsets for their use. This would truly be a
level playing field for all participants, but does change the balance
of judging which was originally laid out.

Both options involve changing the rules midstream, of course, but one
could well argue that the release of 1.6 and 2.0 has already done


Disclaimer: my interest in this just got a lot sharper, as my entry
was fine with 1.6 but broke under 2.0.
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