To do a true comparison of what the PNG is like after 'optimization'
take it out of the final APK, it is just a zip archive.

The banding artifacts you see are because the device and the emulator
are displaying in 16-bit 565 pixel format, they can't display all the
colors. Have you tried painting the image with Paint.setDither(true)
turned on:

On Oct 28, 9:20 pm, Ian <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've noticed that the PNGs of my application with some gradients
> effects looked terribly bad at the device (a Samsung Galaxy) and at
> the emulator, and I've found the following note at the documentation
> (
> graphics.html):
> "Note: Image resources placed in res/drawable/ may be automatically
> optimized with lossless image compression by the aapt tool. For
> example, a true-color PNG that does not require more than 256 colors
> may be converted to an 8-bit PNG with a color palette. This will
> result in an image of equal quality but which requires less memory. So
> be aware that the image binaries placed in this directory can change
> during the build. If you plan on reading an image as a bit stream in
> order to convert it to a bitmap, put your images in the res/raw/
> folder instead, where they will not be optimized."
> I've tried the res/raw suggestion, but it didn't worked.
> I've tried to use the image as JPEG as a workaround, but I couldn't
> use 9-patch.
> I've uploaded a comparison between the original png and the
> "optimized" png that is shown on the emulator or 
> devices:
> One workaround would be put the images at /assets/ and manually load
> and set the image on the ImageViews, but it requires a lot of code
> changes.
> Any ideas? Is there any way to disable this optimization?
> Thanks in advance,
> Ian
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