I just had this problem as well.  It looks like the SDK must not come
with any platforms by default, so I did the following to fix this:

- Run the SDK Setup.exe file (found wherever you extracted the Android
SDK to)
- Click on Available Packages on the left side.
- Check the Platforms you need
- Click Install Selected

It probably took 10 mins or so, but eventually they were downloaded
and installed.  Now when I went back to create the avd, everything
worked fine.

Here's the page that helped me figure this out:

I hope this helps!

On Oct 29, 11:40 pm, Nobody111 <adam.ornst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all!
> Trying to set up my eclipse envirnment to actually be able to try some
> things out on android...
> I've installed the sdk, put it in my path variable, installed the ADT,
> downloaded the "developer tools" from the eclpise menu..
> But... Then I go to the command line, navigate to the tools folder of
> my sdk, and run "android createavd--target2 --name mine"
> and I get this "error":
> Error:Targetid is not valid. Use 'android.bat list targets' to get
> thetarget
> ids.
> So, I of course happily run the 'android.bat list targets'  and get
> the following message!
> "Available Android Targets:"
> That's it.  There are no targets....  I open theAVDwindow in
> eclipse, there are no targets... I click "New" in that window, and atargetis 
> required, but the drop down is disabled because there are NOAVDTARGETS.
> Any advice?

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