The UI is not thread safe and calling related methods from a
background thread like that run by java.util.Timer can cause trouble.
There's a good blog post on ways to schedule work on the UI thread or
communicate back to it here:

There's also an example of communicating back to the UI thread called
"Example ProgressDialog with a second thread" on this page:

On Oct 31, 4:42 pm, Anton Pirker <> wrote:
> Hi android guys and girls!
> I have a really strange problem. I have an activity which displays a map
> and a marker with the users current location on that maps.
> Right now my code is something like this: (in onCreate of the activity)
> 1) display a progress dialog with the text "detecting your location,
> please wait..."
> 2) request location updates. (activity implements LocationListener)
>     locationManager.requestLocationUpdates(provider,
> (long)Constants.MIN_TIME, (float)Constants.MIN_DISTANCE, this);
> 3) right after the line above i have following:
>     timer.schedule(new GetLastLocation(this), 5000);
>     which means: wait 5 sec and then call GetLastLocation().run()
>     GetLastLocation looks like this:
>     class GetLastLocation extends TimerTask {
>         private SetupActivity parent;
>         public GetLastLocation(SetupActivity act) {
>             parent = act;
>         }
>         public void run() {
>             removeDialog(DIALOG_GET_POSITION);
>             parent.showMessage();
>         }
>     }
>     So if 5 seconds pass by, i dismiss(remove) the dialog i displayed in 1)
> 4) now i want to show an AlertDialog with the message "could not find
> your location, taking the last known"
>     parent.showMessage() looks like this:
>     public void showMessage() {
>         Log.e("###", "showMessage 1/2");
>         showDialog(DIALOG_GET_POSITION);
>         Log.e("###", "showMessage 2/2");
>     }
> and here the first log message "showMessage 1/2" is printed to the log,
> but not the second one "showMessage 2/2".
> And there is no exception and nothing that tells me what is wrong...
> Could someone please help me?
> Maybe there is a better way to get he location and if no location is
> delivered show a message!
> Thankful for every hint,
> Anton
> --
> DI(FH) Anton Pirker
> ------------------------------
> cross platform mobile software
> burggasse 123/53
> a-1070 wien
> tel: +43 699 1234 0 456
> skype: antonpirker

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