Phy wrote:
> I have confirmation from five users who either have a HTC G1 or HTC
> Magic who say my application works fine. However, I have had numerous
> recent comments on the Market that the orientation of my applications
> interface is rotated 90 degrees on G1/Magic devices.

Do you have any confirmation from any users who are seeing the rotation
problem? (i.e., direct email, not Market comments)

> I use this method to get the screen orientation:
> getResources().getConfiguration().orientation;

That's not what you used to do, by your own admission. Are you sure that
the comments are from people who are using your newer version?

And, again, do you have any confirmation from any users who are seeing
the rotation problem?

> How can this work fine on some phones and completely break on other
> peoples phones which are the same make and model?

It could be they are running the older version of your application. Or,
it could be a ROM version difference, with a bug in some ROMs. Or, it
could be something about the way some users are using your app that
differs from your expectations and test cases (e.g., they open the app
starting in landscape mode, and you expect them to be starting in
portrait mode).

Please bear in mind that, across a 13-post thread, you have not once
actually indicated what app this is, AFAICT.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy) |

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