Thanks for the tip about the Spam folder... I was thinking I should go
look there because I hadn't heard (one way or the other) when I read
the updates to this thread. Must be the big "Congratulations" that did
it; how many legitimate emails do you get from folks you don't know
that start out that way? Makes me wonder how many REAL lottery wins
I've been missing out on... ;^)

My app is EarthTime, in the Market as TerraTime due to a naming
collision I didn't discover until Sep. 2. :^O

FYI, the finalists list has been posted, at

On Nov 6, 3:52 am, a1 <> wrote:

> Well, good news... bad is that I know that this version doesn't work
> on droid.

Yeah, I'm in the same boat. Makes me glad that Round 2 has started, if
it's anything like Round 1 it should be over before too many 2.0
handsets hit the streets. Fingers crossed!


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