Hey Dmitri --

I have a question regarding the legacy apps only having access to the
"primary" account.  I am writing an application that interfaces with
contacts and started on it before 2.0 was released.  I am developing
with a Motorola CLIQ running 1.5 and my app works fine.  Today, I
purchased a Droid (2.0) and after setting it up I installed this 1.5
application, only to find that I have a much larger list of contacts
and the names in the list are all blank!  The code to read the
contacts is as follows:

                String[] PROJECTION = new String[] { Contacts.People._ID,
                                Contacts.PeopleColumns.NAME };
                Cursor c = managedQuery(Contacts.People.CONTENT_URI, PROJECTION,
                                null, Contacts.People.DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER);

                adapter = new SimpleCursorAdapter(this,
android.R.layout.simple_list_item_multiple_choice, c,
                                new String[] { Contacts.PeopleColumns.NAME },
                                new int[] { android.R.id.text1 });
                return adapter;

Can you riddle me this?  Since I selected google mail as an already
existing source of contacts during the activation, was this somehow
designated my "primary" account?  I notice this code is not picking up
contacts I add by hand to the Droid either.  I understand the design
challenges with merging many lists, so I won't scream about this to
you.  However, can you tell me how I would read the contacts under 2.0
and if there is a test I could make in my class to read them the 2.0
way or not?  Also, can you tell me how the contact primary key comes
into play?  I had to create my own SQL database to keep track of my
contact related attributes and I am keying on the _id from the contact


On Oct 30, 2:05 pm, Dmitri Plotnikov <dplotni...@google.com> wrote:
> It's deprecated, not removed.  The old API is still functional, but with
> restrictions:
> 1. If your app was using something non-public, that part is likely to break.
>  We tested a bunch of apps on the market against the legacy API - most
> worked, but some did not.  Those were the cases when the app was using some
> knowledge of the undocumented underlying database structure.
> 2. Legacy API will only give you access to the "primary" account, i.e. the
> first Google account you add to the phone.
> - Dmitri
> On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 11:40 AM, nEx.Software <email.nex.softw...@gmail.com
> > wrote:
> > Hold up... I'm confused. Are you saying that Contacts portion of the
> > SDK is deprecated? Whatever happened to "stick to the SDK because
> > those are stable apis that won't break in future versions"? Very
> > disappointing...
> > On Oct 30, 11:12 am, Jeff Sharkey <jshar...@android.com> wrote:
> > > Could you post the exact Uri you're passing to query()?  As the
> > > javadoc describes, you need to append a filter string to the
> > > CONTENT_FILTER_URI so it knows what to filter on.
> > > Uri lookupUri = Uri.withAppendedPath(PhoneLookup.CONTENT_URI,
> > phoneNumber);
> > > Also, you might be able to skip your second step, since you can
> > > directly ask for the PhoneLookup.DISPLAY_NAME column in the
> > > projection.
> > > j
> > > On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 8:05 AM, agirardello
> > > <andrea.girarde...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > Dear all,
> > > > I'm trying to adapt my application (Personalytics) for the brand new
> > > > Android 2.0, however I'm facing an issue while accessing contacts'
> > > > phone numbers...
> > > > What I need to do is to retrieve the name associated to a stored
> > > > contact based on his/her phone number. At present I'm doing this in
> > > > two steps:
> > > > 1) from a phone number I get the corresponding ID of the stored
> > > > contact (if present)
> > > > 2) I retrieve the contact's name based on that ID
> > > > I managed to use the correct CONTENT_URI for reading contacts by using
> > > > reflection to be fully compatible with Android 2.0
> > > > (ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI) and the previous versions
> > > > (People.CONTENT_URI).
> > > > Now I'm trying to do the same for Phones.CONTENT_URI (Android <= 1.6)
> > > > and ContactsContract.PhoneLookup.CONTENT_FILTER_URI (Android = 2.0)
> > > > which is needed by step 2) mentioned above. But as soon as I try to
> > > > get a contentResolver by using
> > > > ContactsContract.PhoneLookup.CONTENT_FILTER_URI I get the following
> > > > exception:
> > > > java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown URL
> > content://com.android.contacts/phone_lookup
> > > > This looks really strange to me, since it should be correct (it is
> > > > part of the official API)! Moreover, I tried to look at the "API
> > > > Demos" project, in particular to the classes:
> > > > com.example.android.apis.view.List2
> > > > com.example.android.apis.view.List3
> > > > which are still using the deprecated People.CONTENT_URI and
> > > > Phones.CONTENT_URI and thus no data (i.e. contacts) is loaded (of
> > > > course I have sample contacts in the emulator).
> > > > - Do you have any suggestion to solve this problem?
> > > > - Or is there another approach I can use to get the name of a contact
> > > > based on one of his/her numbers? (This must work on all versions of
> > > > Android)
> > > > Thank you!!!!!!!! ;-)
> > > > Andrea
> > > --
> > > Jeff Sharkey
> > > jshar...@android.com
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