Does Google offer formal training on Android?  I have purchased all
the books on the market and have written several applications, yet the
one question that troubles me is "are my software patterns
prescribed?" How many times have you posted code only to be asked "why
did you do it that way?"  Now before you say "it depends" let me cite
a concrete use case.

I read, studied, and coded the background processing technique using
the Handler callback and it seemed to work alright.  Lot's of
boilerplate code and switches on arbitrary integers, but it worked and
my UI was responsive.  A few days later I read a post from a Google
Pro (thanks Dmitri) who discussed using AsynchTask instead because of
its clarity and readability.  These both accomplish the same end goal
-- avoiding the dreaded ANR!

I am not trying to start a thread fire here, but I would like to
develop the "prescribed patterns" for writing clean, responsive and
maintainable classes rather than whatever this or that author
expresses in code as a working solution.  I have taught technology
classes for several years and I realize that after careful review,
most "authorities" are only a few days (or maybe weeks) smarter than
you are on the subject.  Getting your education this way is risky

It seems to me that only Google (or someone very close to Google)
could prescribe the optimum way to use the SDK -- unless of course
someone has quit their day job and has been camped out in the source
code 24 hours a day!

P.S. What technique should be used to run processes in the background
to avoid timing out your UI?

a) Handler
b) new Thread()
c) Service call
d) AsynchTask
e) it depends!


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